What does having an epiphany mean?

3a(1) : a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something. (2) : an intuitive grasp of reality through something (such as an event) usually simple and striking. (3) : an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure.

Is an epiphany a good thing?

It’s great to have an epiphany, but what you do with that new clarity is what matters most. Most of our habits are so ingrained in our life that changing behaviors causes recourse in life. Most epiphanies force us to see situations and ourselves in a new light.

What’s an example of an epiphany?

Often, an epiphany begins with a small, everyday occurrence or experience. For example: In the middle of a typical argument with his wife, a man realizes he has been the one causing every single argument, and that in order to keep his marriage, he must stop being such an aggressive person.

What does epiphany mean in sentence?

Definition of Epiphany. a moment when you suddenly realize or understand something important. Examples of Epiphany in a sentence. 1. Just as I was about to fail the exam, I had an epiphany and remembered some of the facts I had learned.

Does everyone have an epiphany?

Epiphanies are rare, but they can give you the answers you need. If you’ve ever completely changed your mind about something, or suddenly realized the solution to a problem you’ve been contemplating for a while, you probably had an epiphany–a swift insight that made everything clear.

Are epiphanies positive or negative?

“Epiphany” means “sudden revelation” or “upon manifestation” when I look at the roots, so there is no direct positive connotation in the roots.

What are synonyms for epiphany?

synonyms for epiphany

  • flash.
  • insight.
  • inspiration.
  • realization.
  • vision.
  • oracle.
  • sign.
  • surprise.

Can you say I had an epiphany?

Epiphany is used in a sentence to refer to the moment when you had a sudden realization. Sometimes when a huge calamity falls onto us, such as a severe car accident, we tend to have an epiphany about the importance of living your life to the fullest.

What is it called when you get a sudden idea?

Brainstorm: A sudden idea; also, a brief bout of insanity. Caprice: a sudden change in an idea or way of thinking; also, a whimsical inclination, or a lively musical composition.

What is the opposite of an epiphany?

(confusion) Opposite of an illuminating realization or discovery. confusion. secret. ignorance. bewilderment.