What does G3P1011 mean?
What does G3P1011 mean?
® G3P1011-a woman who is currently pregnant, had one full term delivery and one abortion or. miscarriage and one living child. ® G2P1002- a woman who is currently pregnant. and had twins in her first pregnancy.
What is TPAL in medical terms?
TPAL is one of the methods to provide a quick overview of a person’s obstetric history. In TPAL, the T refers to term births (after 37 weeks’ gestation), the P refers to premature births, the A refers to abortions, and the L refers to living children.
What does G3P2012 mean?
G-FPAL / G3P2012. G: 3 pregnancies. F: 2 full term. P: 0 preterm. A: 1 abortion.
What does gravidity mean?
Medical Definition of gravidity 1 : pregnancy several successive gravidities could be observed — Veterinary Bulletin. 2 : the number of times a female has been pregnant gravidity and parity were highly correlated a nulliparous patient of gravidity 4 — compare parity sense 2.
What is the term for a woman who has never been pregnant?
Nulligravida (never pregnant), primigravida (first-time pregnant), multigravida (many pregnancies) -para. Live birth. Nullipara (no live births), multipara (many live births)
What is Para and gravida?
Gravida is the number of pregnancies a woman has had. A multiple gestation counts as a single pregnancy. Para is the number of completed pregnancies beyond 20 weeks gestation (whether viable or nonviable). A multiple gestation counts as a single birth.
What is para and gravida?
What is G2P1L1?
Cases – Women who have one spontaneous abortion preceding the present pregnancy (G2A1). Controls – Women who have one full term delivery preceding the pregnancy (G2P1L1).
What does “g1p1” mean?
G1P1 = the woman has had one pregnancy and has delivered once There can be 4 numbers after the “P” for “para.” The first number is how many term pregnancies. The second number is how many premature babies. The third number is how many abortions or miscarriages The fourth number is how many living children survive. Examples:
What does g1p0 mean on a birth certificate?
G = gravida. The number of times the woman has been pregnant. Usually seen in association with: P = the outcome of those pregnancies. Examples: G1P0 = the woman is pregnant for the first time and has not yet delivered. G1P1 = the woman has had one pregnancy and has delivered once.
What is a g2p1 in terms of gtpal?
Your patient is pregnant for the first time, no babies. She is a G1P0. Now she has the baby at 37 weeks and she is a G1P1. Then she gets pregnant again. She is a G2P1. She has a miscarriage at 9 weeks. She is a G2P1. In terms of GTPAL, she would be a G2, T1, P0, A1, L1.
What does GP stand for in medical terms?
The gravida/para/abortus (GPA) system, or sometimes just gravida/para (GP), is one such shorthand. [ citation needed ] For example, the obstetric history of a woman who has had two pregnancies (both of which resulted in live births) would be noted as G 2 P 2 .