What does for stands for?


Acronym Definition
FOR Frame of Reference
FOR Field Of Regard
FOR Friends of Ruth
FOR Fleet On the Road

What does Sptb stand for?


Acronym Definition
SPTB Spontaneous Preterm Birth
SPTB Spectrin, Beta, Erythrocytic
SPTB Secondary Power Test Bed
SPTB Secondary Prevention and Translation Branch (US NIH)

What does EAMD stand for?


Acronym Definition
EAMD Enfants d’Aujourd’hui Monde de Demain (French youth association)
EAMD Euro-Arab Management Diploma
EAMD European Accounts Modernisation Directive (EU)
EAMD Estonian Association of Muscular Disorders (Estonia)

What does EITO stand for?


Acronym Definition
EITO European Information Technology Observatory
EITO European Information Technology Organization

What is of stand for on TikTok?

It appears that “OF” stands for OnlyFans, and is used by TikTok users who want to refer to the subscription service without actually spelling it out.

What is P in TikTok?

55. What does Pushing P mean on TikTok? Pushing P made its way to the TikTok mainstream in January 2021, thanks to Gunna and Future’s new track ‘Pushin’ P’. P essentially means something positive, to ‘keep it real’. If something is P, it means it’s good.

Is Siri real AI?

Siri is Apple’s personal assistant for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS devices that uses voice recognition and is powered by artificial intelligence (AI).