What does Fiending mean in slang?
What does Fiending mean in slang?
to desire greatly
Also feen [feen] . Slang. to desire greatly: just another junkie fiending after his next hit;As soon as I finish a cigarette I’m fiending to light another.
What does your Feening mean?
feening (countable and uncountable, plural feenings) Obsessive craving, usually for drugs or alcohol.
How do you spell drug Fein?
drug fiend
- 1.1 Alternative forms.
- 1.3.1 Synonyms.
- 1.4 See also.
Does fiend mean addicted?
Informal. a person who is extremely addicted to some pernicious habit: an opium fiend.
What’s another word for Feening?
What is another word for feen?
crave | desire |
want | covet |
long for | yearn for |
hunger for | thirst for |
desiderate | fancy |
What does Fien mean in slang?
Meaning of the word Fien: Currently, the word Fien means someone who is addicted to something. Like games, movies, series, drugs, etc., can be used to point out someone obsessed with something.
Is fiend a bad word?
1. A perversely bad, cruel, or wicked person: archfiend, beast, devil, ghoul, monster, ogre, tiger, vampire.
How do you use fiend in a sentence?
Fiend in a Sentence ?
- The fiend stole money from the little boys who were raising money for the Cancer Society.
- Because Jill is dating a fiend, she should not be shocked if she has to bail him out of jail one day.
- The fiend was caught trying to sneak into a little girl’s bedroom in the middle of the night.
What does Fiend mean in Urban Dictionary?
to have an intense craving, hankering, or desire for something. I love the way you activate your hips and push your ass out, got a nigga wanting it so bad I’m bout to pass out. I wanna dig you, and I can’t even lie about it, baby just alelviate your clothes, time to fly up out it, catch you at a club, oh shit you got me Fiendin’.
What does fourteen words mean in Urban Dictionary?
Urban Dictionary: 14/88. “14” representing 14 words written by David Lane, “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.” This is correct The 88 defs are all wrong. “88” refers to 88 words from Mein Kompf (author Adolph Hitler) about the supremacy of the white race. “14” representing 14 words written by David Lane, “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”
What are the most disgusting Urban Dictionary definitions?
disgusting (adj) To be incredibly talented or adept at performing some task or feat . To be of the highest possible quality. I saw this band on Saturday that had a xylophone player and he was disgusting. Bro, your new car is absolutely disgusting. by Brian Callaghan December 07, 2007 Flag Get the disgusting neck gaiter and mug. disgusting
What does Feening mean in Urban Dictionary?
feening – to want something badly, to have a craving. (this quality word has been arround since early 90’s from the jodeci, wayne marshall era or music) Feenin’ Meaning a craving or an urge about something most commonly associated with mens craving for women