What does Erza Scarlet wear?

Heart Kreuz Armour
Heart Kreuz Armour (ハートクロス鎧 Hāto Kurosu Yoroi): Made by the popular fashion brand Heart Kreuz specifically for her, this is Erza’s casual armor, which she is mostly seen wearing.

Who does Erza Scarlet have a crush on?

It is during this time that Erza further develops her feelings for Jellal, saying that she regards his life as precious and, when he was fearful of his crimes, told him, “I am with you.” When the two are reunited for the first time in seven years, Erza attempts to initiate a kiss with him, although Jellal later rejects …

How much does Erza Scarlet weight?

109 lbs
Erza Scarlet

Erza Scarlet ju
Height 169 cm (5’6)
Weight 49 kg (109 lbs)
Blood Type A
Species Human

What is the difference between Erza Scarlet and Erza Knightwalker?

Knightwalker hammers her with Explosion but Scarlet manages to decrease damage with her Flame Empress Armor. Knightwalker realizes the nature of her counterpart’s Magic and Scarlet notes that their Magic is quite similar.

What is Erza’s strongest Armour?

Canonically, the Armadura Fairy Armor is the strongest armor in Erza’s arsenal. The armor gives Erza the ability to harness torrents of pure energy, supercharging her set of intricately designed swords. The armor’s feminine design is made to allude to Erza’s status as “Titania, Queen of the Faries.”

Who is Erza Scarlet’s best friend?

Lucy is one of Erza’s most trusted comrades. The two of them have been working together since Erza’s first appearance, as she joins up with Natsu and Gray to create “Fairy Tail’s strongest team.”

Why do THey call Erza Titania?

As for Erza she was called Titania because of her magical strength and abilities which is known all over magnolia town and the kingdom of fiore and since she is a member of fairy tail and someone who is feared and respected among the guild she was seen as the queen of the fairies also known as Titania who is also a …

How old is Erza?

Erza Scarlet (エルザ・スカーレット, Eruza Sukāretto) is a nineteen-year-old S-Class swordswoman of Fairy Tail who is nicknamed “Titania” (妖精女王, ティターニア, Titānia) for her notoriety as the guild’s most powerful female wizard, referencing the Fairy Queen from A Midsummer Night’s Dream.