What does employee representative mean?

Employee Representative means a person who the employee chooses to accompany or assist them in a discussion. This could include a workplace representative, union official, City of Onkaparinga contact officer or legal advisor.

What is the purpose of a representation election?

The purpose of a representation election is to allow employees to determine via secret ballot which employee organization, if any, shall be certified to represent them in their employment relations with the employer.

What is a union representation election?

Union representation elections are conducted by a secret ballot vote–at the jobsite or by mail ballot. If IBEW Local 1245 wins a majority (50% plus one vote of those who cast ballots) the union becomes the certified representative for the defined bargaining unit.

What percentage of the employees represented by a union can compel a decertification election?

A decertification petition must be signed by at least 30% of the employees in the bargaining unit represented by the union.

What is a employee representative committee?

Having an employee committee in place ensures employee participation practices that can play a complementary role to promote good relations between management and workforce.

What is the role of an employer representative?

The employer representative acts as the employer’s agent in administering and seeing building contracts through, it is a role that comes with a huge level of responsibility and administration work.

How is collective bargaining important to workers rights?

Bargaining ensures fair, objective employment procedures A negotiated contract ensures that employees are treated fairly because both parties have discussed and agreed upon rules and processes for the workplace. Employees and administrators understand it is necessary to ensure due process.

What is a union bargaining unit?

According to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), an appropriate bargaining unit is a group of two or more employees who share a community of interest and may reasonably be grouped together for purposes of collective bargaining.

Can you get fired for starting a union?

No. Every worker has a right, by law, to choose whether or not to belong to a trade union or to participate in lawful union activities. Action by the employer aimed at preventing a worker from exercising this right, whether at the recruitment stage, during employment or by termination of employment, is unlawful.

Who can be a bargaining representative?

A bargaining representative is a person or organisation that each party to the enterprise agreement may appoint to represent them during the bargaining process. bargaining representative by either an employer or employee who would be covered by the agreement.

What percentage of employees must vote for union representation?

Not represented by a union, but want to be? If a majority of workers wants to form a union, they can select a union in one of two ways: If at least 30% of workers sign cards or a petition saying they want a union, the NLRB will conduct an election.