What does E168 mean on boiler?

Error codes

Code Possible fault
E168 Could mean that your boiler has detected a problem but can’t work out exactly what it is. This could be because the boiler has been reset after developing a fault or because there has been an external issue, such as a fault with the electrical supply

What is error code E168 Baxi boiler?

Error code E168 is displayed when the boiler has detected a problem but can’t work out exactly what it is. This can happen if the boiler has reset after developing a fault or if there has been an issue externally which affects the boiler, such as a fault with the electrical supply.

What does E1 60 mean on a boiler?

When the E160 fault code occurs in the Baxi boiler, the cause of this error is fan-induced, and the Baxi will remain in a self-locked state. When fault code E160 appears on the Baxi, the fan may not be running, the fan may not be running at the required speed, or the fan may be burned out.

How do I reset my Potterton boiler?

  1. Reset. bar.
  2. Off position. The boiler will not operate.
  3. Central heating. and hot water. Both heating and. hot water will operate.
  4. Hot water. Hot water will operate.
  5. Reset. Hold for approximately. 5 seconds and release.

What causes a boiler to lockout?

Most boilers operate at a pressure of around 1.3 bar and will lockout if the pressure is too high or low. If you notice your boiler pressure is low, you can increase it by adding water via the filling loop. Keep an eye on the pressure after adding water.

How do I reset my boiler?

How to reset a boiler

  1. Find the boiler reset button.
  2. Press and hold the reset button for no more than 10 seconds.
  3. Check if the flame has ignited or to see if the error code has disappeared.
  4. Test the boiler is working by checking the hot water or turning up the temperature.

How do I fix E1 error on my boiler?

It’s among the fairly common errors that pop on boilers. With our help, you can even fix it without calling a certified Gas Safe engineer. Most of the time, the E1 Error Code means that the boiler is running low on pressure. All you have to do is repressurise your boiler, and everything will go back to normal.

What does E1 mean on a boiler How do you fix?

Fault codes the user may be able to clear

Code Possible Fault
E1 Overheat
E2 Circulation
E4 Ignition failure
E7 Poor circulation

Why does my Potterton boiler need resetting?

Common underlying causes include: A leak in the heating system. A pump fault. A faulty electric part. A blocked plate heat exchanger.

Why does my Potterton boiler not firing up?

The boiler needs to recognise the fan is operational before starting up. The printed circuit board (PCB) gets this signal from an air pressure switch, which measures internal air pressure to determine if the fan is working. So, if the fan isn’t recognised, or the signal is intermittent, the boiler will: Not fire up, or.