What does DHN stand for in medical terms?

DHN Medical Abbreviation

2 DHN 1,4-dihydroxynonene Biochemistry
2 DHN Dihydroxynaphthalene Microbiology
2 DHN Dorsal Horn Neuron Neurology
1 DHN Deep Highway Network Chemistry
1 DHN Distant Healing Network Healing, Distance, Networking

What is THOC in medical term?

Acronym. Definition. THOC. Texas Hematology Oncology Centers (Dallas, TX)

What does ator mean in nursing?

4. ATOR. At Time Of Report. Health, Care, Drug.

What is the abbreviation for dehydration?

Abbreviation for Dehydration:

4 DEH Dehydration Medical, Technology, Sports Medicine
1 DH Dehydration Physiology, Biology, Medical
1 DHY Dehydration Sports Medicine, Medical
0 Dehydn Dehydration
0 DHN Dehydration recent

What ator means?


Acronym Definition
ATOR Automated Telex Over Radio
ATOR At Time Of Report

What is GIH medical?

Abbreviation for growth hormone-inhibiting hormone.

What is the abbreviation for variable?

V Variable Academic & Science » Mathematics Rate it:
var variable Computing Rate it:
VAR Variable Miscellaneous » Automotive Rate it:
VRB Variable Miscellaneous » Automotive Rate it:
VAR Variable Computing » IT Rate it:

What does rib stand for in nursing?

IB. Inclusion Body + 1 variant. Healthcare, Virology, Purification.

What is a PRN in nursing?

“Pro Re Nata”—the Latin phrase meaning “as necessary” that’s more commonly known in medical circles simply as “PRN” can strike fear into the heart of an RT looking for a full time position. New grads, especially, don’t even want to think about accepting a job that’s not permanent and doesn’t offer benefits.

What is CTD stand for?

In information technology, cumulative trauma disorder (CTD) refers to any of several physical problems that can result from improper or excessive use of a computer display or terminal. Other terms for repetitive stress disorders are repetitive stress injury (RSI) and repetitive motion disorder (RMD) .