What does custom validator do?

Use the CustomValidator control to provide a user-defined validation function for an input control. The CustomValidator control is a separate control from the input control it validates, which allows you to control where the validation message is displayed. Validation controls always perform validation on the server.

What is client-side validation example?

Client-side validation is visible to the user. It involves validation on input forms through JavaScript. For example, if input is submitted for a phone number or email, a JavaScript validator would provide an error if anything is submitted that does not conform to a phone number or email.

How do I enable client-side validation?

We can enable and disable the client-side validation by setting the values of ClientValidationEnabled & UnobtrusiveJavaScriptEnabled keys true or false. This setting will be applied to application level. For client-side validation, the values of above both the keys must be true.

What is difference between client-side and server side validation?

Validations can be performed on the server side or on the client side ( web browser). The user input validation take place on the Server Side during a post back session is called Server Side Validation and the user input validation take place on the Client Side (web browser) is called Client Side Validation.

Is client-side validation enough?

Client-side validation should only be used to improve user experience, never for security purposes. A client-side input validation check can improve application performance by catching malformed input on the client and, therefore, saving a roundtrip to the server.

What is custom validation control?

CustomValidator control provides the customize validation code to perform both client-side and server-side validation. For example, you can create a validation control that checks whether the value entered into a text box is 8 or more characters long.

Which is better client-side validation or server side validation?

Server-side validation is slower than client-side input validation. However, server-side input validation is more reliable than client-side input validation. Thus, it’s safe to say that client-side data validation improves user experience while server-side input validation improves security.

What is client-side validation and server side validation in MVC?

Client side validation Vs server side validation The user input validation take place on the Server Side during a post back session is called Server Side Validation and the user input validation take place on the Client Side (web browser) is called Client Side Validation.

How does MVC handle client-side validation?

Firstly, you just need to create an ASP.NET MVC application. To create a new ASP.NET MVC application, Open Visual Studio choose File, New, then Project. It will open a New Project window, from where you need to choose node Visual C# and then Web and from the right pane you need to choose ASP.NET Web Application.

Why do we need both client-side and server side validation?

Originally Answered: Why do we need both client-side and server-side validation? Server side is really all that matters and you do that to protect your data/server/db. Client side validation is just a courtesy to the user as it is a bad UX to allow invalid requests to go through and then reject them.