What does cross env do?

cross-env makes it so you can have a single command without worrying about setting or using the environment variable properly for the platform. Just set it like you would if it’s running on a POSIX system, and cross-env will take care of setting it properly. Installation. Usage.

How do I see npm environment variables?

For a test you can see the env variables by running npm run env-linux or npm run env-windows , and test that they make it into your app by running npm run start-linux or npm run start-windows .

Should I use cross env?

On Windows you need to use cross-env-shell , if you want to handle signal events inside of your program. A common case for that is when you want to capture a SIGINT event invoked by pressing Ctrl + C on the command-line interface.

Is cross env a dev dependency?

The benefit of installing cross-env as a development dependency is that you can control the version of the package in your package. json file. You can also create commands in the scripts object of your package. json file.

How do I start an environment variable from npm?

You have a few options:

  1. better-npm-run,which can define an env for each command separately.
  2. Instead of a poststart script, you can concatenate commands for npm like so: “start”: “NODE_ENV=${NODE_ENV:=production} node start-app. js && echo $NODE_ENV”
  3. Use a process manager in production like pm2.

When should I use an .env file?

Using a . env file will enable you to use environment variables for local development without polluting the global environment namespace. It will also keep your environment variable names and values isolated to the same project that utilizes them. A .

What should be in a .env file?

The . env file contains the individual user environment variables that override the variables set in the /etc/environment file. You can customize your environment variables as desired by modifying your . env file.

How do I use .env variables?

env files allow you to put your environment variables inside a file. You just create a new file called . env in your project and slap your variables in there on different lines. To read these values, there are a couple of options, but the easiest is to use the dotenv package from npm.