What does clued up mean in English?

having a lot of information about something
Definition of clued up British, informal. : having a lot of information about something : having a lot of information about the latest developments She’s totally clued up.

What is the meaning of clue me in?

clue in. v. To provide someone with important or exclusive information about something: I hoped my friend who worked for a senator would clue me in to what the government was planning to do. My friend clued me in on the local club scene. See also: clue.

What does cue me in mean?

To give information or instructions to someone, such as a latecomer: I cued in my coworker about the items that we discussed at the beginning of the meeting. She cued me in to what happened in the first five minutes of the movie. See also: cue.

Is clued a Scrabble word?

Yes, clued is a valid Scrabble word.

How do you use the word clued in a sentence?

1. The police haven’t got a clear clue up to now. 2. She’s really clued up on politics.

What is cue in and cue out?

Give information or instructions, for example, She said she’d cue us in on their summer plans. This verbal use of the noun cue in the sense of “guiding suggestion” dates from the 1920s. See also: cue.

How do you use the word clue in a sentence?

1, Police have found a vital clue . 2, I don’t have a clue. 3, The police found no clue to her whereabouts. 5, The police haven’t got a clear clue up to now.

Is it clue you in or cue you in?

A “cue” is definitive: when you get your cue, you’re supposed to take action. A “clue” is a hint. You MIGHT be supposed to take action when you see or hear the clue, but maybe not. It’s information to help you come to a conclusion.

What is a quandary?

: a state of perplexity or doubt.

Is gluer Scrabble word?

Yes, gluer is in the scrabble dictionary.

Is gluer a real word?

Gluer definition The definition of a gluer is a person who sniffs glue, or the person who applies the glue in a production process.
