What does Chango Macho candle do?

Product Description. Candle will burn up to 120 hours. It’s dimensions are 2 1/2″ wide and 8 1/8″ tall. Burn Chango Macho / Spirit of Good Luck orange candle to use it as a magnet to attract good health money and love.

What does Chango stand for?

Changó (also Xangô, Sàngó or Saint Barbara) is the Yoruba orisha of fire, lightning, thunder and war, but also of music, drumming and dancing.

Who was Chango?

Shango, also called Chango, major deity of the religion of the Yoruba of southwestern Nigeria. He also figures in the religion of the Edo people of southeastern Nigeria, who refer to him as Esango, and in the religion of the Fon people of Benin, who call him Sogbo or Ebioso.

What is Chango food?

Chango is partial to fowl and lamb. He loves corn flour, apples, dried fish, red wine and rum. His color is red; his instrument the drum. He rules the dance and is a very virile deity – a man’s man.

Who was Shango favorite wife?

American folklorist William Bascom notes: “Oya is the favourite wife of Shango, the only wife who remained true to him until the end, leaving Oyo with him and becoming a deity when he did. She is Goddess of the Niger River, (Odo Oya), but she manifests herself as the strong wind that precedes a thunderstorm.”

What does Shango look like?

As the god of thunder and lightning, Shango has some powerful energy. In artwork he is often depicted with a double ax on his head, the symbol of a thunderbolt, or he is depicted as a fierce ram.

What does Chango drink like?

Chango is partial to fowl and lamb. He loves corn flour, apples, dried fish, red wine and rum.

Does Chango mean monkey?

Chango is definitely a word for monkey. And yes, Changuito* would be the diminutive form of it.

How did Sango get his powers?

Sango displayed his magical powers by directing lightning unto his own household killing his wives and children. He got angry and entered the ground in Ira by himself after the incidence; he was deified as the god of thunder and lightning.