What does Catamenial mean?

Medical Definition of catamenial : relating to or associated with menstruation catamenial pneumothorax.

What do you mean by Menstruum?

Definition of menstruum : a substance that dissolves a solid or holds it in suspension : solvent.

What is Ebullition English?

Definition of ebullition 1 : a sudden violent outburst or display. 2 : the act, process, or state of boiling or bubbling up. Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About ebullition.

What does the term climacteric mean?

Climacteric is the period of life starting from the decline in ovarian activity until after the end of ovarian function. According to the definition, the period includes peri-menopause, menopause and post-menopause.

What does Menstruous woman mean?

Currently undergoing menstruation
menstruous (not comparable) Of or pertaining to menstruation; menstrual. (of a female) Currently undergoing menstruation.

What does Literately mean?

adjective. able to read and write. having or showing knowledge of literature, writing, etc.; literary; well-read. characterized by skill, lucidity, polish, or the like: His writing is literate but cold and clinical.

What is Marc and Menstruum?

 Menstruum: solvent used for extraction.  Marc: the insoluble material that remains extraction.

How do you pronounce Menstruum?

noun, plural men·stru·ums, men·stru·a [men-stroo-uh, -struh].

How do you use the word Ebullition in a sentence?

Ebullition sentence example Water is led into the highest basin and by the action of the heated gases is soon brought into a state of ebullition ; after remaining in this basin for about a day, it is run off into the second one and is treated there in a similar manner.

What is the climacteric process?

The climacteric is a stage of fruit ripening associated with increased ethylene production and a rise in cellular respiration and is the final physiological process that marks the end of fruit maturation and the beginning of fruit senescence.

What is the climacteric stage of life?

The climacteric stage is the transition from the reproductive to the non-reproductive period during a woman’s life [1], and comprises 2 to 8 years before and after menopause [2], and coincides with a complex period in life due to biological, psychological and social changes.