What does Carach Angren mean in English?

Iron Jaws
The name “Carach Angren” is derived from J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings and means “Iron Jaws” in the Elvish language of Sindarin.

What genre is Carach Angren?

MetalCarach Angren / Genre

Where on the map of Middle Earth is the Isenmouthe?

The Isenmouthe or Carach Angren was a pass located in the northwestern portion of Mordor, which guarded the southern end of Udûn. The Isenmouthe lay between where the Ephel Dúath and the Ash Mountains mountain ranges met and was a narrow passage.

What is Saurons tower called?

Barad-dûr (pronounced [bʌrʌˈduːr]), also called the Dark Tower, is a fictional place in J. R. R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth writings and is described in The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, and other works. It is an enormous fortress of the Dark Lord Sauron and capital of his barren land of Mordor.

What race is Morgoth?


Aliases Melkor (originally) Arun (in the old tales of the Númenóreans) Moringotto Bauglir
Race Ainur
Book(s) The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, The Children of Húrin, Beren and Lúthien The Fall of Gondolin Morgoth’s Ring

What do the orcs call Sauron?

Aliases Mairon (originally) Gorthaur Thû Annatar The Dark Lord The One Enemy The Necromancer The Deceiver The Black Hand Lord of the Rings The Dark Power
Race Maia
Book(s) The Hobbit The Lord of the Rings The Silmarillion Unfinished Tales Beren and Lúthien

Why does Gondor call Gandalf Mithrandir?

So Mithrandir is Sindarin for “Grey Pilgrim”, which is why the Elves know him by it, and both Men and Hobbits call him Gandalf, meaning “Elf of the staff”, and the Dwarves have another name for him.

Who is stronger than Morgoth?

As the most powerful of the Valar, Morgoth may seem unmatched. However, three beings who were considered to be more powerful than Morgoth were Ungoliant, Tulkas, and Eru Iluvater.