What does brought to my attention mean?

Definition of bring to someone’s attention : to make someone aware of (something) It has been brought to my attention that the meeting has been canceled.

Is it bought to my attention or brought to my attention?

Brought is the past tense and past participle of the verb to bring, which means “to carry someone or something to a place or person.” Bought is the past tense and past participle of the verb to buy, which means “to obtain something by paying money for it.”

What to say instead of it was brought to my attention?

came to our attention > synonyms »caught our attention exp. »caught our eye exp. »could hear exp. »got our attention exp.

How do you write attention in an email?

Emails are meant to be short, easy-to-read communications. Use “Attention” when emailing a department or an individual when all you have is the general email address for the organization. Type “Attn:” and the name in the subject line so that whoever opens general email can forward it to the right person.

Is it brought or bought?

‘Brought’ is the past tense of bring. When you pronounce the word ‘brought’, listen for the ‘r’ sound after the ‘b’. I brought my guitar along with me. ‘Bought’ is the past tense of ‘buy’.

Has brought or bought?

Has brought or brought?

Despite how many times I’ve heard brang and brung uttered, there is no brang or brung in the conjugation of bring. The correct pattern is bring, brought, has/have brought.

How do you say something caught your attention?

catch one’s eye

  1. absorb,
  2. bemuse,
  3. busy,
  4. catch up,
  5. engage,
  6. engross,
  7. enthrall.
  8. (or enthral),

How do you put attention in a letter?

Addressing the Envelope. Write “Attn” followed by the name of the recipient. The “Attn” line should always appear at the very top of your delivery address, just before the name of the person you’re sending it to. Use a colon after “Attn” to make it clearly readable.