What does brooklynn mean in the Bible?

What is the meaning of Brooklyn? Brooklyn is baby girl name mainly popular in Christian religion and its main origin is Dutch. Brooklyn name meanings is From the land of the broken.

What nationality is the name brooklynn?

Brooklyn (given name)

Gender unisex
Word/name English
Meaning Combination of names Brooke and Lynn, or given in honor of Brooklyn, the New York City borough.
Region of origin United States

Is brooklynn a popular name?

Popularity of the name Brooklynn The name Brooklynn is ranked #1714 overall.

How rare is the name brooklynn?

Brooklynn Name Popularity

Year Rank % Births
2010 142 0.1509%
2011 129 0.1684%
2012 137 0.162%
2013 142 0.15%

What does the name montavious mean?

Montavious is a name that signifies a freedom-loving and free-spirited individual.

What does the name Brookelynn mean?

Meaning:Of Brooklyn; One who lives near a brook. Brookelynn is a girl’s name of British origin.

How popular is the name Brooklin?

According to Social Security Administration data, Brooklyn has been consistently popular, slightly falling from the top 50 which it had been in from 2008 to 2018. Brooklyn has yet to reach the top 20, but it came close in 2011 when it ranked 21. However, it is the 36th most popular name on FamilyEducation.com.

Is brookelyn a boys name?

Brookelyn is a girl’s name of British origin.

What does AVA mean?

The name is known to mean “birdlike, lively.” Gender: Ava is most frequently used as girl name. Pronunciation: eh-VAH.

How do you spell montavious?


  1. Origin: English.
  2. Meaning of Montavious.
  3. Gender: Boy.
