What does bl a mean Danish?

Adverb. bl. a. i.a., inter alia, among other things; Abbreviation of bland annat. among others (other people); Abbreviation of bland andra.

What bl means?

Acronym Definition
BL Bad Luck (chat)
BL Backlit
BL Bachelor of Letters (Bachelor of Arts – Japan)
BL Buddy List

What is the abbreviation for among?

List of common abbreviations

abbreviation Latin translation
i.a. inter alia “among other things”
i.e. id est “that is”, “in other words”
J.D. Juris Doctor “doctor of law”
lb. (singular) lbs. (also plural) libra “scales”

What does ILM mean in Danish?

knowledge, learning, wisdom
knowledge, learning, wisdom, sagacity.

What is Fr in Danish?

Abbreviation of franc m. Abbreviation of fredag m (“friday”) Abbreviation of fru f (“Missus”) Abbreviation of frøken f (“Miss”)

What Boys Love means?

Boys-love definition A genre of fictional media originating in Japan that features homoerotic relationships between male characters; yaoi.

What is IA in school?

Job Description The primary role of an instructional assistant (IA) is to assist the teacher in all facets of daily classroom management.

What is BH in Danish?

a bra (abbreviation of brystholder and bysteholder)

What does SGU mean in Danish?

damn {interj.}

What is Boys Love in Japan?

In English, “boys love” (abbreviated as “BL”) is often explained as a Japanese term for female-oriented fictional media created by female authors that depict male homoerotic desire and romance. ¹ Although the genre is called boys love, it deals with relationships involving men who are pubescent or older.