What does be all over you mean?

informal. to be touching someone in a sexual way everywhere on their body: She was all over him, kissing him and running her hands through his hair.

What does all over something mean?

1. Very interested in something. My daughter is all over tennis these days, so I just signed her up for some lessons.

When it’s all over meaning?

Something or someone is completely finished, defeated, or dead. The precise meaning of this phrase depends on the context.

How do you use all over?

His pictures are all over the house. We were looking all over the place for you. I have a baby and I’m not about to drag Claire all over the United States!

What is another word for all over?

In this page you can discover 17 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for all-over, like: galactically, terminated, concluded, everywhere, ended, over, everyplace, across, complete, day-glo and null.

What means to be over someone?

be over (someone or something) 1. To no longer have strong emotions about someone or something; to be unenthusiastic about someone or something.

Is all over an idiom?

(idiomatic) In every way; thoroughly. Dancing with everyone, singing show tunes all night: that was Luke all over.

Which is correct allover or all over?

extending over the entire surface, as a decorative pattern: an allover design of red roses. Not to be confused with: all over – finished: It is all over now.; everywhere: There were people all over the place.

What does all over again means?

phrase. If you say that something is happening all over again, you are emphasizing that it is happening again, and you are suggesting that it is tiring, boring, or unpleasant. [emphasis] He doesn’t want the hassle all over again. The whole process started all over again.

Are you over me means?

Senior Member. You said you were over me. This is said by one person to another person they were in a relationship with. It means that other person has recovered from the heartbreak, anger, love, whatever that they felt for you when you were together.

How do I know I’m over someone?

It’s really true that opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s indifference. It’s hard to say you’re over someone when the idea of them makes you furious or gut-wrenched or nostalgic. So if you’re still ranting every time they come up— or still bringing them up obsessively— you’re not over it.

Is it allover or all over?

Not to be confused with: all over – finished: It is all over now.; everywhere: There were people all over the place.