What does an ot do with dementia patients?

Occupational therapists evaluate persons with dementia to determine their strengths, impairments, and performance areas needing intervention (Schaber & Lieberman, 2010). Although remediation of cognitive performance is unlikely, the person may demonstrate improved function through compensation or adaptation.

What is low vision occupational therapy?

Occupational therapists will assist with adapting the task or the environment, provide training in low vision equipment such as lighting and magnifiers, and teach visual techniques such as eccentric viewing, tracking or scanning.

How can you help a blind person with dementia?

Use lighting, smells and sounds to stimulate those with dementia. Lighting to mimic the time of day may help with orientation to time of day. Large photos of local scenes from the past may be familiar to persons with dementia and help them feel connected to the past.

What interventions can be used to support patients with dementia?


  • Pharmacological (Drug-Interventions)
  • Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST)
  • Reminiscence Therapy.
  • Validation Therapy.
  • Reality Orientation.
  • Physical Exercise.
  • Multisensory Stimulation: Snoezelen Rooms.
  • Aromatherapy.

What is low vision rehabilitation?

Low vision rehabilitation aims to optimise the use of residual vision after severe vision loss, but also aims to teach skills in order to improve visual functioning in daily life. Other aims include helping people to adapt to permanent vision loss and improving psychosocial functioning.

What does vision therapy consist of?

An optometric vision therapy program consists of supervised in-office and at home reinforcement exercises performed over weeks to months. In addition to exercises, lenses (“training glasses”), prisms, filters, patches, electronic targets, or balance boards may be used.

What are the safety precautions to be observed when caring for a client with diminished vision?

General safety tips with vision loss

  • Experiment with general and local lighting to see which combination works best for you.
  • Remove rugs, since they can curl or slip.
  • Get rid of any unwanted items to reduce clutter.
  • If possible, don’t have patterned carpets.
  • Fix extension leads along skirting boards.

What visual acuity is considered low vision?

20/70 to 20/160 is considered moderate visual impairment, or moderate low vision. 20/200 to 20/400 is considered severe visual impairment, or severe low vision. 20/500 to 20/1,000 is considered profound visual impairment, or profound low vision.

Which technique is most therapeutic for helping clients with dementia remain oriented?

Reality orientation is a therapeutic technique used with people who have dementia or are otherwise disoriented. The approach is to weave details of their surroundings into the conversation, including where they are, who they are with, and what day it is.

What is early intervention for dementia?

Early intervention is often seen as anticipatory information and support delivered at the earliest stage of dementia, following diagnosis. Prevention encompasses the range of interventions that prevent an increase in need that may tip an individual into a higher or more intensive level of service.