What does an attendance officer in a school do?

An attendance officer is a school representative who is tasked with investigating cases of prolonged student absences. Attendance officers enforce compulsory attendance laws and monitor the health and welfare of students assigned to their schools or districts.

How many days of school can you miss in Mississippi?

Section 37-13-91 of the Mississippi Code outlines truancy laws, and allows for 12 unexcused absences per student during the course of a 180-day school year.

How many parent excused absences are allowed in Mississippi?

Students are allowed five unexcused absences before their parents are contacted by a school attendance officer. If it gets up to twelve unexcused days, the parent could have to pay a $1,000 fine or go to jail.

Can I get fined if my child doesn’t go to school?

Under this section if a registered pupil does not attend school regularly, parents can be fined a maximum of £2,500 and/or imprisoned for up to 3 months. The higher penalty applies to parents who know their child is failing to attend regularly at school but still take no reasonable action to ensure their child attends.

What qualifications do you need for a school attendance officer?

To get one of these roles you’ll usually need to have experience working with children and young people, an A* to C grade at GCSE level in English and Maths or equivalent, as well as 1 or 2 A Levels. Similarly you could look into an apprenticeship in the position, but you’ll probably need 4 or 5 GCSEs at A* to C.

What does attendance officer mean?

To provide a specialist service to assist the school in meeting their obligations and targets in relation to school attendance, especially persistent absence.

How many absences are allowed in a school year before Court Mississippi?

c. Habitual Truant–a student who has accumulated twelve (12) or more unlawful absences, excluding suspension and expulsion days, in a school year, which shall result in the filing of a petition in a court of competent jurisdiction by the school attendance officer.

What is 63 of a school day?

Based on a 330 minute instructional day, a student must be present 63 percent of the time, or 208 minutes of the day. The breakdown of time equates to more than four class periods, so basically a student can only miss two classes in a school day and still be considered present.

How many absences are allowed in a school year 2021 Mississippi?

c. Habitual Truant–a student who has accumulated twelve (12) or more unlawful absences, excluding suspension and expulsion days, in a school year, which shall result in the filing of a petition in a court of competent jurisdiction by the school attendance officer.

How low does your attendance have to be to get fined?

We can send you a penalty notice (fine) if: Your child’s attendance falls below 90 per cent in a term period without a good reason. You take your child out of school during term time (for holidays for example) without agreeing the leave with the school.

What is attendance officer?

someone whose job is to keep records of students’ attendance at school and to encourage students to attend.