What does aggrandizement mean?

to make great or greater
1 : to make great or greater : increase, enlarge aggrandize an estate. 2 : to make appear great or greater : praise highly. 3 : to enhance the power, wealth, position, or reputation of exploited the situation to aggrandize himself.

How do you remember the meaning of aggrandize?

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for aggrandize aggrandize ~ ag+grand+eyes = make someone seem grander/greater in others eyes by raising power etc.

What is noun of aggrandizement?

Aggrandizement is the noun form of the verb aggrandize, “to increase the power or reputation of something,” and it usually implies that there’s some exaggeration going on.

How do you use purely in a sentence?

1. She regarded her patients from a purely clinical standpoint. 2. It is a racing machine, designed purely for speed.

How do you say aggrandize in a sentence?

Aggrandize in a Sentence ?

  1. I attempted to aggrandize the CEO’s high status in the company to sweet talk him into signing off on the deal.
  2. Jack is a philanthropist who only supports causes that aggrandize him in the eyes of the world.
  3. I hate listening to that snobbish radio talk show host self-aggrandize.

Is aggrandizement a word?

Definition of aggrandizement the act of making something appear greater than is actually warranted by the facts: Some saw it as ego aggrandizement. expansion of power, wealth, rank, or honor: The department was used for the aggrandizement of its leaders.

How do you use aggrandize in a sentence?

Aggrandize sentence example His intent was to become sole lord and to aggrandize his tiny principality. It became the nobler ambition of Julius to aggrandize the church, and to reassume the protectorate of the Italian people.

How do you use finely in a sentence?

Finely sentence example

  1. They were all dressed very finely , and some of them carried swords.
  2. Her mouth is large and finely shaped.
  3. The bed was the largest she’d ever seen, with a finely spun silk bedspread of pale yellow.
  4. The different ultramarines – green, blue, red and violet – are finely ground and washed with water.

What is a synonym for aggrandize?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for aggrandizement. ennoblement, exaltation, glorification, magnification.

What part of speech is aggrandize?

verb (used with object), ag·gran·dized, ag·gran·diz·ing. to widen in scope; increase in size or intensity; enlarge; extend.

What is the opposite of aggrandize?

Opposite of to increase in amount, size, degree or value. abate. decrease. de-escalate. diminish.