What does actinic purpura look like?
What does actinic purpura look like?
The primary symptom of actinic purpura is large, purplish red bruises that are most common on the backs of the hands or the forearm. They become a brown discoloration as they fade. These bruises typically last between one and three weeks before fading.
What is Bateman’s purpura?
‘ Bateman’s purpura refers to flat and irregular, purple bruising that appears on a person’s skin as they age. Bateman’s purpura also occurs on skin that has been exposed to the sun such as a person’s hands or forearms. While Bateman’s is common, it is not dangerous.
What does solar purpura look like?
What does solar purpura look like? Solar purpura looks like purple and red blotches, or bruises, with irregular edges. They are typically 1 to 4 centimeters (0.4 to 1.6 inches) in diameter and appear on the skin of the hands, forearms, and legs.
How do you get rid of actinic purpura?
Actinic purpura may respond to antiaging therapy, including laser therapy for vascular and pigmented lesions in aging skin. A long-pulsed, frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser may be suitable (532 nm).
What does purpura look like on the skin?
Purpura is small, flat spots on your skin. They look red or purple on lighter skin tones but appear brown or black on darker skin tones. Purpura is commonly referred to as a blood spot under your skin. Purpura usually consists of smaller dots that cluster in a specific area but may appear as one larger patch.
What causes small round purple spots on skin?
Purpura occurs when small blood vessels burst, causing blood to pool under the skin. This can create purple spots on the skin that range in size from small dots to large patches. Purpura spots are generally benign, but may indicate a more serious medical condition, such as a blood clotting disorder.
How do you know if purpura is serious?
The rash often becomes widespread, so for example conjunctiva can occur as well as pinpointing on the skin, and in more severe cases the mucosal surfaces may bleed. Other signs include worsening abdominal pain, increased vomiting, liver enlargement, high haematocrit with low platelet count, lethargy or restlessness.
What are purple spots on elderly skin?
This age-related condition is called actinic purpura. Also known as senile purpura,12 solar purpura,13 traumatic purpura, and Bateman’s disease,14 it is characterized by unsightly ecchymoses and purple patches on the arms or legs of elderly persons caused by blood extravasation following minor trauma.
What medications can cause purpura?
Drug-induced thrombocytopenic purpura is a skin condition result from a low platelet count due to drug-induced anti-platelet antibodies caused by drugs such as heparin, sulfonamines, digoxin, quinine, and quinidine.