What does a Spartan helmet tattoo mean?

This logo is a symbol of grit and toughness. You will usually see a grizzled warrior behind the Spartan helmet tattoo, but you might just see the helmet itself. Many will get this tattoo on their chest or shoulder. Really it can be placed anywhere there is enough room for it.

What is a Molon Labe tattoo?

What does molon labe mean? Molon Labe is an ancient Greek phrase which means “come and take (them)”. This is a term widely use among the firearms community and, supporters of the 2nd Amendment and the right bear arms.

What does the Spartan symbol mean?

Symbolism. Lambda. Ancient Spartans decorated their shields with Lambda, the Greek capital letter “L” as a symbol for Lacedaemon, the ancient Hellenic word for the Spartan City-State. The Lambda on the shield is illustrative of the light shining down on the field.

Did Spartans get tattoos?

Although the Ancient Greeks did not have tattoos on their bodies, they would use tattooing to penalize the outcasts of society. In general, tattoos were considered a barbaric custom and the upper social classes treated them with disdain2.

What does a Spartan helmet logo mean?

With the Spartan helmet displayed prominently with the U.S. flag across it, the artwork shows American pride and honors the ancient warrior who was unafraid to face the enemy in their rally for liberty. The Spartan helmet is rightly one of the most iconic symbols of ancient Greece.

What does a 3 tattoo mean?

Many have used this simplistic design to indicate a concept of continuance, an unfinished journey, or a slow change of idea or thought. Others use three dot symbolism within their tattoo to convey a deeper spiritual meaning, as three is considered a sacred number in many religions and belief systems.

What is a Spartans helmet called?

Shining on the heads of the Sparta soldiers, we find it in the ranks of all the proud Greek hoplites. The real name of what we call “Spartan helmet” is actually “Corinthian helmet“: it is born in the famous Corinth, a prosperous and fearsome city.

Did gladiators have tattoos?

Typically, tattooing was associated with lower classes (criminals, slaves and gladiators) as well as Thracian (Southeastern Indo-European tribe) infantry. Additionally, tribal warriors of the British Isles embraced the practice of tattooing.

Did slaves have tattoos?

Slaves were marked with tattoos in order to make them easily identifiable if they tried to escape. Criminals would have their offenses inked into their foreheads or other easily visible locations.