What does a series of usurpations mean?

an act of usurping; wrongful or illegal encroachment, infringement, or seizure. illegal seizure and occupation of a throne.

What does usurpation mean in the Bible?

: to seize or exercise authority or possession wrongfully.

What does it mean to usurp the throne?

to seize and hold (a position, office, power, etc.) by force or without legal right: The pretender tried to usurp the throne. to use without authority or right; employ wrongfully: The magazine usurped copyrighted material.

What is another word for usurpations?

In this page you can discover 18 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for usurpation, like: encroachment, seizure, capture, usurper, deposal, appropriation, assumption, preemption, give, trespass and violation.

Is usurpation a crime?

Usurpation of state power shall be considered as a gravest crime. According to Article 534 in the New Commercial Code 1999, any individual who drafts a check without sufficient funds to cover it is penalized by incarceration and/or a 50,000 LE fine.

How do you use usurpation in a sentence?

Usurpations sentence example The privileges of the Roman patriciate, whatever we may call them, were not usurpations ; and, if we call the privileges of the Venetian nobility usurpations , they were stealthy and peaceful usurpations , founded on something other than mere violence.

What is the antonym of usurpation?

What is the opposite of usurp?

give keep
refuse reject
release relinquish
surrender give in
let go cede

What is usurpation in criminal law?

The illegal encroachment or assumption of the use of authority, power, or property properly belonging to another; the interruption or disturbance of an individual in his or her right or possession.

What is the penalty of usurpation of authority?

177. Usurpation of official functions. — Any person who, under pretense of official position, shall perform any act pertaining to any person in authority or public officer, without being lawfully entitled to do so, shall suffer the penalty of prision correccional in its minimum and medium periods.