What does a RainSoft EC4 do?

RainSoft’s EC4 softener provides unparalleled ease of use, with features that ensure your family receives the finest water possible throughout your home. The computer control keeps track of the water used in the home and regenerates itself based upon actual water usage. This saves water, salt, and electricity.

How does the rain soft water system work?

The process works like this: As the water enters a home, it is fed into the softener, where it passes over a resin bed made of tiny synthetic beads that hold sodium ions. When the beads encounter calcium or magnesium ions, they release the sodium ions and retain the hardness ions.

Is RainSoft a good system?

Out of 168 reviews on ConsumerAffairs, RainSoft has an average of 4.0 stars. And, out of 23 reviews on Home Depot for the EC5 system, the average is a little under 4 stars as well. Both of these would indicate that RainSoft is a pretty solid company.

What is RainSoft water system?

A RainSoft home water purification system provides homes with crisp, clean, delicious tasting water right from the tap. These systems are typically installed in the basement or under a kitchen sink by a professional RainSoft technician.

What are the disadvantages of having soft water?

Regularly drinking soft water increases a person’s sodium levels, which can lead to multiple health problems including blood pressure. The process used to make the water soft also makes it more volatile, which means it picks up more unwanted elements from your pipes.

Can you flush toilet while water softener is regenerating?

The short answer is yes, however it’s not recommended. The regeneration cycle for water softeners is usually about 2-2.5 hours depending on the model, brand and capacity.

How often should a Rainsoft water softener regenerate?

Typically, the regeneration should occur after every 12 to 14 days or it should occur after a predetermined gallons of water that you use. You can set the number of gallons used before it regenerates through the water softener’s valve.
