What does a DX rating mean?

Rating System A DX rating is assigned to those programs of the highest national priority. Per DoD 4400.1-M, the Under Secretary of Defense for AT&L approves DO rated orders and nominates to the Secretary of Defense for approval of DX rated orders.

What are the different DPAS ratings?

DoD uses two ratings: “DO” and “DX.” If necessary to meet required delivery dates at any level in the supply chain, DO rated orders must be given production preference over unrated (commercial) orders, and DX rated orders must be given preference over DO-rated orders and unrated orders.

What is a rated order under DPAS?

A rated order is a contract or order placed in support of a national defense program, pursuant to section 101(a) of the DPA. A rated order takes precedence over all unrated orders, when necessary to meet delivery dates specified in the rated order.

What are the two levels of priority established by the DPAS regulation?

(a) There are two levels of priority for rated orders established by the DPAS, identified by the rating symbols “DO” and “DX”. All DO rated orders have equal priority with each other and take preference over unrated orders.

Can you reject a DPAS Rated order?

The purpose of the DPA is to permit government issuance of non-refusable priority orders. Mandatory rejection. Under the regulation, unless otherwise directed by the Commerce Department: A person shall not accept a rated order for delivery on a specific date if unable to fill the order by that date.

Do I have to accept a DPAS order?

The DPAS regulations require a contractor to accept a rated order unless one of the listed exceptions applies. A contractor would not have to accept a rated order that it cannot perform. A contractor would also not have to accept a rated order that conflicts with another similar or higher rated order.

Who assigns a DPAS rating?

The DOD uses DPAS authority delegated to it by the DOC to place ratings on approximately 300,000 contracts annually.

Which of the following conditions is required before a DPAS priority rating may be used in contracts and orders?

10. The four required elements of a DPAS rated order are the priority rating, contract clause, signature of the Contracting Officer/Specialist, and the delivery or performance date.

Which DPA is used to ensure on time performance of contracts and orders?

FEMA’s DPAS Authority FEMA is delegated DPAS authority by the Department of Commerce to use priority ratings on contracts and orders to ensure timely delivery of “industrial resource” items (including performance of services) to meet FEMA’s DPAS-eligible program requirements.

What elements must the rated orders include?

(a) Elements required for all rated orders. (1) The appropriate priority rating and program identification symbol (e.g., DO-A1, DX-A4, DO-N1). (2) A required delivery date or dates. The words “immediately” or “as soon as possible” do not constitute a delivery date.

What types of programs are eligible for DPAS support?

In general, the following FEMA programs are eligible for DPAS support:

  • Federal emergency preparedness, response, and recovery.
  • Similar activities to support State, local, and tribal governments.
  • Critical infrastructure protection and restoration.

Who determines the DPAS rating?

The DPAS Regulation (15 CFR § 700.16) identifies how priority ratings and rated orders may be changed or cancelled. For example: The priority rating on a rated order may be changed or cancelled by: An official action of the Department of Commerce.