What does a Cephadrome drop?

He drops uranium and titanium nuggets and rubys, ruby armor, ruby weapons and ruby tools, which are suggested to have when fighting stronger mobs and bosses. If he gets hit by pets he will attack them.

How strong is Mobzilla?

Combat. Mobzilla, like Godzilla, is insanely difficult to beat. He has thick scales, an insane endurance and is capable of causing even more destruction to the surrounding area than even the King or Queen. Mobzilla’s tail has a large knockback range, and it destroys the surrounding area.

What is the difference between Slice and Big Bertha?

There are no differences between Slice and Big Bertha, apart from appearance. The damage and enchantments are exactly the same. One won’t be more use to someone than the other in battle.

How much HP does Mobzilla have?

Mobzilla has 4,000 health points, deals 100-175 damage , it has high defense, is found in the Village Dimension, and drops a ton of Mobzilla scales to craft Mobzilla armor and also just about everything obtainable!

What is a Cephadrome?

Ecology. Partial to desert environments, Cephadrome features a flat diamond shaped head like that of a hammerhead shark. It will bury itself beneath the sand and “swim” beneath it, coming up only to attack its prey.

Where does the Cephadrome sleep?

Area 3
You have good range to attack with the long leap. Cephadrome will limp and then head to a safe place for a snooze (Area 3 in the Dunes).

Who is the king of monster in Minecraft?

The Ultimate King is currently the strongest mob in OreSpawn….

The Ultimate King
150px The Ultimate King
Type Hostile
Health 7000
Attack Strength 20-40

What ant is the village dimension?

Rainbow Ant
There are no mobs and it is very peaceful. Red Ant: takes you to the Mining Dimension. There is a ton of material but it’s not always safe. Rainbow Ant: takes you to the Village Dimension.

What is the strongest weapon in Crazy Craft?

Royal Guardian Sword | Crazy Craft Wiki | Fandom.

What is the best weapon in OreSpawn?

The Ultimate Sword is a weapon added by OreSpawn. It is the strongest of the basic swords, and is crafted with 1 Titanium Ingot, 1 Uranium Ingot and 1 Iron Ingot.

What mod is the king in?

The King is the second strongest mob in OreSpawn, excluding the Ultimate King easter egg. It is a three headed dragon, with different colored eyes on each head (blue, red, and black). It also has 6 wings, no arms, and a tail shaped like a hammer at the end.

How do you hunt Cephadrome?

The Cephadrome is like a dragon mixed with a hammerhead shark, and it’s got an appetite for Hunters. This creature is aggressive, whipping its tail at you as well as swimming through the sands to attack. You can use a Sonic Bomb to get the Cephadrome above ground again.