What does a broad-based disc bulge mean?
What does a broad-based disc bulge mean?
Asymmetric disc bulge (Broad-based disc bulge): The bulge involves 25 to 50% of the disc’s circumference.
What is C4 C5 disc bulge?
Usually, a C4-C5 bulging disc or herniated disc is caused by some type of injury or trauma such as a car accident, fall, sport injury or work injury. A C4-C5 herniated or bulging disc can also occur from deterioration that occurs in the disc over time.
Is broad-based disc bulge painful?
A disc bulge might be associated with pain but this will depend a number of things such as if a sudden tear has occurred, if there is inflammation, if the bulge combines with other components to narrow spaces for nerves, if there is damage to the ‘endplates’ that are on the top and bottom of the disc etc.
How do you fix a bulging C5 disc?
This treatment will likely involve being prescribed medication such as steroids for inflammation, injections, physical therapy, disc surgery, or spinal-fusion surgery. These treatment forms do little to address the condition’s underlying cause, often offer only short-term pain relief, and are invasive.
How serious is a bulging disc?
A bulging disk can push against the spinal cord and nerve roots, leading to severe pain and problems with mobility. Treatment may include a combination of medication, physical therapy, and self-care. In severe cases, a person may need surgery.
How do you treat a C4 C5 bulging disc?
Treatment with rest, pain medication, spinal injections, and physical therapy is the first step to recovery. Most people improve in 6 weeks and return to normal activity. If symptoms continue, surgery may be recommended.
What nerves are affected by C4 C5?
Roots. The C4 and C5 roots give rise to the dorsal scapular nerve that supplies the rhomboids and levator scapulae.
Is a bulging disc considered a disability?
If your herniated disc causes you continuous, long-lasting pain, then you may be eligible for monthly financial assistance through the Social Security disability benefits program. Herniated discs in the neck and back can qualify for benefits if your symptoms are severe enough.
Can a bulging disc paralyze you?
A severe case of a bulging disc can cut off nerve impulses, even causing permanent nerve damage. Additionally, you may experience sharp paints, incontinence, bowel movement irregularity, or even partial paralysis as the issue worsens.
Is a disc bulge serious?