What does a blue diamond tattoo mean?

Blue Diamond: Brighter shades of blue suggest that you’re at peace with yourself—a darker shade, however, means you’re overcoming sadness. Black Diamond: You can use this variation to express inner-strength, love, or even a sense of commitment to a cause or person.

What does diamond tattoo symbolize?

Diamonds symbolize peace, purity, honest light and invincibility. When placed in an engagement ring setting they become of symbol and love and loyalty. Although rarer than other love tattoos, it isn’t extremely uncommon for two people to get matching diamond tattoos to show their love for each other.

Why would someone get a barcode tattoo?

People who use this barcode tattoo meaning are showing that they are against forced labor and slavery and that they stand with anyone who is treated inhumanely.

What does a diamond tattoo on a woman mean?

To the tattoo wearer, the diamond may represent inner beauty, as in the saying, “true beauty is found on the inside.” Power: We often associate diamonds with wealth and the power that money can bring. The gem is very expensive and multiple diamonds may represent great wealth and value.

What does diamond mean spiritually?

The diamond is LIGHT, life, the SUN; it is an emblem of purity and perfection, of invincible spiritual power, and it is the stone of committment, faithfulness, and promise between husband and wife. Symbol of light and brilliance; unconquerable; treasures, riches, intellectual knowledge.

What do diamonds mean?

Diamond meaning associations Diamonds are associated with strength, love and health. As we have uncovered, throughout history, diamonds have been worn by leaders or power figures to symbolise strength and invincibility. Diamonds have also been associated with good health and represent long life and good heart health.

What does three dots tattoo under the eye mean?

my crazy life
The three dots tattoo is a common prison tattoo that represents “mi vida loca,” or “my crazy life.” It’s not associated with any particular gang, but with the gang lifestyle itself. This tattoo is typically found on the hands or around the eyes.