What does a blood smear tell you?

A blood smear is a type of blood test. It looks at the appearance, number, and shape of your red and white blood cells and platelets to see whether they are normal. A blood smear can also detect parasites in your blood. It is now more common to have blood analyzed by a computer.

What is the purpose of a peripheral blood smear?

Peripheral blood smear can be used for estimation of manual blood counts. With the advent of automated cell counters which are more reliable and accurate, manual differential counts of white blood cells using PBF is gradually fading in routine haematology laboratory practice.

What are the different ways of scanning blood smear?


  • Blood Smear Scan (BSS), Synonyms: platelet scan, platelet estimate, blood smear examination without a DIFF.
  • Blood Smear Examination (BSE), Synonyms: manual DIFF, DIFF.
  • Blood Smear Review (BSR), Synonyms: blood smear interpretation, physician review of blood smear.

Can a blood smear detect leukemia?

For the peripheral blood smear (sometimes just called a smear), a drop of blood is smeared across a slide and then looked at under a microscope to see how the cells look. Changes in the numbers and the appearance of the cells often help diagnose leukemia.

What does abnormal blood smear mean?

A blood smear is considered normal when your blood contains a sufficient number of cells and the cells have a normal appearance. A blood smear is considered abnormal when there’s an abnormality in the size, shape, color, or number of cells in your blood.

How long do blood smear results take?

The blood smear is a quick test. Your doctor may draw blood from your arm or by pricking your finger. You usually get the results in one to two days.

How much does a blood smear cost?

Peripheral Blood Smear Test Cost

City Average Price Price Upto
Mumbai Rs. 223.00 Rs. 620.00
Nalgonda Rs. 156.00 Rs. 200.00
new delhi Rs. 238.00 Rs. 650.00
Noida Rs. 396.00 Rs. 700.00

What are the three methods of preparing a blood smear?

Four different types of smear preparation methods (conventional method, blood film method, drop and rest method, and water-wash method) were carried out according to the standard reference as described below.

What is a blood smear test?

A blood smear is basic test that is used to determine diagnostically if there are any abnormalities within the blood. The focus will be on the three primary types of cells that can be found within the blood: red blood cells [RBCs], white blood cells [WBCs], and platelets.

How should I prepare for a blood smear test?

You don’t need any special preparation for a blood smear. If your health care provider has ordered other blood tests, you may need to fast (not eat or drink) for several hours before the test. Your health care provider will let you know if there are any special instructions to follow. Are there any risks to the test?

When is a blood smear ordered?

When is it ordered? The blood smear is primarily ordered as a follow-up test when a CBC with differential, performed with an automated blood cell counter, indicates the presence of atypical, abnormal, or immature cells.

How do I know if I need a blood smear?

Your health care provider may also order a blood smear if you have symptoms of a blood disorder. These symptoms include: Fatigue. Jaundice, a condition that causes your skin and eyes to turn yellow. Pale skin. Unusual bleeding, including nose bleeds. Fever. Bone pain.