What does a 1 mean in Solo and ensemble?

Those that perform at the highest level (Class A) at a WSMA District Festival have the opportunity to receive a 1* (one-star) rating which advances them on to State Solo & Ensemble Festival.

How much does Solo and ensemble cost?

Fees. Fees for On-time Entries: $20 per solo and $10 per ensemble member.

What does co mean Solo and ensemble?

A. Solo & Ensemble Events: New Jersey Solo & Ensemble events include three levels of classes: A, B, and C. Solo events (vocal, string, woodwind, brass, percussion, piano, guitar, handbell) Regular Ensemble events (vocal, string, woodwind, brass, percussion, piano, guitar, handbell)

Is a 1 in Solo and Ensemble good?

SCORING. Each student or group of students is evaluated by one judge and rated on a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being the highest rating possible. Students or groups that earn a rating of 1 (or “Superior”) are qualified for State Solo & Ensemble Festival which is held in March.

What do you wear to Solo and Ensemble?

Wear what you would wear to band concerts, church, or other special events is appropriate. School dress code DOES apply! No jeans, torn clothing, tennis shoes, or clothing with writing should be worn to Solo & Ensemble Festival; it is a serious event.

How do I register for Solo and Ensemble?

On the S&E page click on the registration button, or click here. Enter your username, which is the same email that you use to log into MSVMA.org, and your password for the scheduling website. 1. To register for Solo & Ensemble, look to Member Tools in the left menu, and select the “Register for Festival” option.

What does MPA stand for band?

Music Performance Assessment
Music Performance Assessment An MPA is a major assessment event for secondary music programs in which a musical performance is evaluated on specified criteria. The assessments are held annually for marching bands, concert large ensembles (band, chorus, orchestra), and solos-ensembles.

What is MPA marching band?

Every March, high school band students across the state prepare for and perform in the North Carolina Music Performance Assessment (MPA), which is much like a performance EOG for band.