What do you serve with chanterelles?

Serve chanterelle mushrooms as a stellar side dish or as a main dish served over toast or pasta or as a garnish for steak, chicken, or omelets. Add some herbs if you got ’em and/ or a little lemon juice or vinegar to this recipe if you like.

What do you do with fresh picked chanterelles?

Keep raw chanterelles in a paper bag or in a bowl loosely covered with a kitchen towel, as it’s important to let them breathe. Be sure to refrigerate them immediately and check at least once a day to make sure they haven’t turned too moist or slimy. If that happens, the affected ones should be discarded.

What can I do with lots of chanterelles?

If you want to store them, keep them in the refrigerator in a paper—not plastic—bag. Chanterelles store longer than most mushrooms—up to ten days. Or, you can give them a quick saute in butter until they release their moisture and freeze them for up to a year.

How do you tell when chanterelles are done cooking?

Cook those chanterelles whole! When they’re still young, before the caps have become wavy and thin, they’ll be very firm and almost have a squeaky cheese quality to them, firm, and chewy.

Should I store chanterelles in the fridge?

Chanterelles keep best in the refrigerator in a sealed plastic container. Use paper towels to prevent the mushrooms from touching plastic. Change the paper towels when they become wet from condensation. The total time you can store chanterelles varies, depending on the condition of the mushrooms when they were picked.

How long do chanterelles keep in fridge?

ten days
If you want to store them, keep them in the refrigerator in a paper—not plastic—bag. Chanterelles store longer than most mushrooms—up to ten days. Or, you can give them a quick saute in butter until they release their moisture and freeze them for up to a year.

Do chanterelles need to be refrigerated?

How do you clean and prepare chanterelles?

If you only have a handful of chanterelles, you can rinse under very low running water in the sink. The edges are delicate and a heavy stream of water can damage them. After rinsing, I like to use a soft-bristle toothbrush to remove any grit stuck inside the ridges and then give them a quick rinse again.

How do you get the dirt off chanterelles?

Fill a large bowl of water with cool water. Lay out a large, absorbent dish towel on a sheet pan or on your counter. 2. Plunge a handful of chanterelles into the water (not too many) and slosh them around with your fingertips loosening the dirt and pine needles.