What do you need to be a PE teacher in Massachusetts?

License Requirements

  • Qualifying master’s degree, or any master’s with qualifying relevant graduate credit hours.
  • Completion of a program leading to a master teacher status.
  • Completion of an approved district-based program.
  • Completion of a department-sponsored Performance Assessment Program.

Do you need a degree to be a gym teacher in Massachusetts?

Steps to Becoming a P.E. Teacher in Massachusetts. The Massachusetts Department of Education outlines the different pathways to becoming a P.E. teacher in the state, and they all require a bachelor’s degree from an accredited school.

Which degree is best for physical education?

BA (Hons) Physical Education, Sport and Youth Development.

  • Bachelor of Education in Health and Physical Education.
  • Bachelor of Education in Physical Education (B.Ed.)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Physical Education and Recreation Management.
  • BSc in Physical Training.
  • Degree in Science of Physical Activity and Sports.
  • Is PE a major in college?

    A bachelor’s degree in physical education allows you to turn your passion for fitness and sports into a rewarding career, inspiring students. Graduates of the BS in physical education degree may pursue job opportunities as instructors in elementary, middle or high school PE programs.

    How much does a PE teacher make in Massachusetts?

    The average salary for a physical education teacher is $53,202 per year in Massachusetts.

    How do I get a Massachusetts Physical education certificate?

    1. Complete a Massachusetts PE Teacher Education Program.
    2. Complete the Required PE Teacher Licensing Tests.
    3. Apply for a Massachusetts PE Teaching License.
    4. Maintain and Upgrade Your Massachusetts PE Teaching License.

    Where do PE teachers make the most money?

    Maryland is the best state for Physical Education Teachers, where the median salary is $70,110.

    How do I get a job in physical education?

    A career in physical education can make way for a vast range of career options; from being a part of the chosen sport, health clubs, sports good manufacturer, marketing, commentator, sports journalism, trainer, and many other related options.

    Is phys ed a hard major?

    Contrary to its perception, Phys Ed is a tough degree that is in no way “elementary” in its course load requirements. Classes for nearly every Phys Ed program include kinesiology, chemistry, calculus, anatomy and physiology. Many programs also allow students to specialize in either teaching or health and wellness.

    What is the major of physical education?

    Bachelor of Physical Education major in Sports and Wellness Management (BPE-SWM) is a four-year program designed to provide graduates with a broad and coherent understanding of applied exercise and sports sciences in terms of fitness and sports coaching, as well as the management of fitness and sports programs in …

    How much do gym teachers make Massachusetts?

    The average salary for a physical education teacher is $52,932 per year in Massachusetts.

    How much do PE teachers make in Boston?

    While ZipRecruiter is seeing salaries as high as $77,239 and as low as $11,883, the majority of Physical Education Teacher salaries currently range between $42,130 (25th percentile) to $56,174 (75th percentile) with top earners (90th percentile) making $64,276 annually in Boston.
