What do you mean by unnoted?

Definition of unnoted : not noted : unobserved, disregarded would have lived and died, unnoted— S. H. Adams.

Is Trattle a word?

No, trattle is not in the scrabble dictionary.

Is Shoaly a word?

adjective, shoal·i·er, shoal·i·est. full of shoals or shallows. GOOSES.

What does appetizing mean dictionary?

appealing to or stimulating the appetite
adjective. appealing to or stimulating the appetite; savory. appealing; tempting.

What is a synonym for unnoticed?

Words related to unnoticed overlooked, undiscovered, unrecognized, unseen, disregarded, hidden, inconspicuous, neglected, secret, unconsidered, unheeded, unobserved, unobtrusive, unperceived, unremarked, unremembered, unrespected, winked at.

What is the dream of unnoted child in the dim classroom?

Solution. (a) The class is dim because there is no availability of electricity there. (b) The young child is different from others because he is physically ill and is indifferent towards the class and the chaos in it. (c) The child is dreaming of the game that a squirrely could be playing in its tree room.

What does rattle mean in slang?

to disturb a person emotionally.

What is the synonym of rattle?

Some common synonyms of rattle are abash, discomfit, disconcert, and embarrass. While all these words mean “to distress by confusing or confounding,” rattle implies an agitation that impairs thought and judgment.

What is Appetising food?

Definition of appetizing : appealing to the appetite especially in appearance or aroma also : appealing to one’s taste an appetizing display of merchandise.

How do you use appetizing in a sentence?

Appetizing in a Sentence ?

  1. The melted cheese of a grilled cheese sandwich is extremely appetizing when I am hungry.
  2. For some people, the smell of cooking food is more appetizing than the actual taste of it when it is finished.

What is the opposite of unnoticed?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for unnoticed. apparent, clear, discernible.

How do you become unnoticed?

Sit or stand near other people instead of away from them. You don’t want to be the center of attention, but you also don’t want to appear to be avoiding it. Sit at a table near other people instead of a dark corner alone. You will look less like an outsider than just another person in the room.