What do you mean by pluralities?
What do you mean by pluralities?
Definition of plurality 1a : the state of being plural. b : the state of being numerous. c : a large number or quantity.
What is the synonym of edgewise?
crabwise, edgeways. [chiefly British], sideways, sidewise.
What is the synonym of sparkly?
Some common synonyms of sparkle are flash, gleam, glimmer, glint, glisten, glitter, and shimmer. While all these words mean “to send forth light,” sparkle suggests innumerable moving points of bright light. the sparkling waters.
What is the synonym of hammered?
beat, forge, shape, form, mould, fashion, make. 2’Sally hammered at the door’ batter, pummel, beat, bang, pound. strike, hit, knock on, thump on.
What is pluralities in sociology?
Among foreigners, he may exhibit himself as a society member of India. Within India, if he uses the word society it means that he is talking about his society which denotes either religion or caste or another type of tribal society. It is called as pluralities among the societies.
What are examples of a plurality?
For example, if from 100 votes that were cast, 45 were for Candidate A, 30 were for Candidate B and 25 were for Candidate C, then Candidate A received a plurality of votes but not a majority.
Can I get a word in edgewise?
If you say that you cannot get a word in edgewise, you are complaining that you do not have the opportunity to speak because someone else is talking so much. Ernest dominated the conversation – Zhou could hardly get a word in edgewise.
What is edgewise appliance?
The contemporary edgewise appliance, known commonly as ‘braces”, is the mainstay of orthodontics. These appliances are bonded securely to tooth enamel and when used in concert with the proper archwire, provide highly precise, three-dimensional control of both crown and root position.
What is the synonym of glowing?
bright, shining, radiant, glimmering, flickering, twinkling, incandescent, candescent, luminous, luminescent, phosphorescent. lit up, lighted, illuminated, ablaze. aglow, smouldering. informal glowy. literary lambent, lucent, rutilant, ardent, fervid.
What does hammered mean in slang?
extremely intoxicated
Slang. extremely intoxicated from alcoholic liquor or a drug: On the weekends we usually get hammered.
What is the synonym of smashed?
(also bursted), demolished, exploded, popped, shattered.