What do you mean by means end chain laddering method?

The Means-end Approach Using Laddering. Means-end is a rigorous research method that employs the laddering interviewing technique. It is used to uncover the underlying emotions, consequences, and personal values that drive consumer choice. It is a hybrid of qualitative and quantitative research approaches.

What are the 6 components of the mean end chain?

… has been argued that the means-end method consists of six aspects or levels of a hierarchy: concrete attributes, abstract attributes, functional consequences, psychosocial consequences, instrumental values and terminal values as described by many researchers (Gutman, 1982(Gutman, , 1997Mulvey et al., 1994;Olson and …

What is the laddering technique?

Laddering is an interview technique used in semi- structured interviews. • Laddering is a method that helps you elicit the higher or lower level abstractions of the concepts that people use to organize their world. • The method is performed by using probes.

What is the means end chain model?

The Means-End Chain Theory (MEC) is a value-based, cognitive model that. facilitates the better understanding of decision-making and consumer behaviour. It. connects the tangible attributes of a product (the means) to highly abstract and. intangible personal and emotional values (the ends) (Olson and Reynolds, 2001).

What are the four levels in Means End Theory?

The end of a means-end chain can be a functional consequence (Stops cavities), a psychosocial consequence (I can be the real me), an instrumental value (I will be clean), and to a value (Self-esteem).

Who created the means-end chain theory?

Gutman, J. (1982) ‘A means-end chain model based on consumer categorization process’, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 46, No.

What is laddering in consumer Behaviour?

Laddering is a qualitative marketing research technique, which seeks to understand why people buy and use products and services. Based on the means end theory, there is hierarchical organization between the consumer perception and knowledge and it contains the following parameter. Attributes.

Is laddering a projective technique?

Laddering – projective/enabling qualitative research technique.

What is meant by laddering in marketing?

Laddering in market research is a term used in marketing which takes steps to move participants from understanding the features, to why they choose a product or service, all the way down to the root motivational and emotional cause.

What is Mean End theory?

MEANS-END THEORY The theory approach is based on the assumption that consumers see products as a means to important ends and try to explain how the selection of a product or service facilitates the achievement of desired end-states (Gutman, 1981; Leão & Mello, 2001, 2002, 2003; Mulvey, Olson, Celsi, & Walker, 1994).

How does the means-end chain analysis help marketers?

Means-end chain analysis allows marketing problems to be framed and analyzed as consumer decisions. In means-end chain analysis, qualitative data are transformed into quantitative results which tends to have high levels of appeal for marketing research.

What is consequence in means-end chain?

A means-end chain, therefore, is a structure that connects product or service attributes to consequences produced by these and the latter to values (Mulvey et al., 1994; Reynolds & Gutman, 1988). For example, the attribute quality can lead to a consequence of optimizing time, which can also lead to the value security.

What are the levels in the means ends chain?

You will see that they refer to Attributes, Consequences, and Values as the levels in the Means Ends Chain, but the laddering methods themselves are unchanged. **A note on terminology: Let me elaborate on that “subconscious” point for a moment, and help make sure that we understand the difference between sub conscious and un conscious thought.

How to extend means-end chain theory?

Extending Means-End Chain theory by integrating a self-concept approach and behavioural perspective model. Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie, 979 (1), 47-61.

Are there different versions of the means end chain?

There are quite a few different versions of the Means End Chain that have been born and refined by various professors and practitioners, and some with quite a few levels of classification and nuance.

What is laddering in an interview?

There are some specific interview techniques referred to as “Laddering” which are designed to specifically elicit the most valuable MEC, which are chains that are robust, descriptive, and complete from Attribute to Emotional End. The following article gives some specific examples of these techniques and what they look like in a live interview.