What do you mean by intra-household division?
What do you mean by intra-household division?
Intra-household bargaining refers to negotiations that occur between members of a household in order to arrive at decisions regarding the household unit, like whether to spend or save, whether to study or work.
What is intra-household dynamics?
Intra-household dynamics are interpreted through the following concepts: social norms and values, division of labour, access to and control over resources, and decision-making power (see Figure 1).
What is household bargaining model?
Household-bargaining models allow household members to have different utility functions, for which changes in bargaining power could affect house- hold outcomes. In particular, in the Nash bargaining model, an increase in females’ bargaining power decreases their working hours and increases the male’s working hours.
What is the Nash bargaining solution?
Nash bargaining game His solution is called the Nash bargaining solution. It is the unique solution to a two-person bargaining problem that satisfies the axioms of scale invariance, symmetry, efficiency, and independence of irrelevant alternatives.
What is the unitary model?
2.1 Unitary models. Unitary models assume that the household maximizes a unique utility func- tion, independent of prices and incomes. They also assume the pooling of. family incomes.
What is Nash bargaining model of employment?
The standard Nash bargain has a worker and a firm share the gain from reaching agreement in fixed proportions that depend on bargaining power. Thus, graphically, the relationship between the worker’s gain and the firm’s gain is a straight line through the origin with slope equal to the ratio of their bargaining powers.
How do you calculate Nash equilibrium?
To find the Nash equilibria, we examine each action profile in turn. Neither player can increase her payoff by choosing an action different from her current one. Thus this action profile is a Nash equilibrium. By choosing A rather than I, player 1 obtains a payoff of 1 rather than 0, given player 2’s action.
What countries are unitary states?
Some of the other unitary states include Italy, Japan, People’s Republic of China, Philippines, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Algeria, Denmark, Kazakhstan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Morocco, Uganda, Haiti, Guatemala, Iceland, and Kenya among many others.
What is unitary family?
A unitary family is a family of unitary operators U(x) acting on a finite dimensional hermitian vector space, depending analytically on a real parameter x. It is monotone if \frac1i U'(x)U(x)^{-1} is a positive operator for each x.
What is Nash in Nash bargaining?
A “Nash equilibrium in Nash bargains” has become a workhorse bargaining model in applied analyses of bilateral oligopoly. This paper proposes a non-cooperative foundation for “Nash-in-Nash” bargaining that extends the Rubinstein (1982) alternating offers model to multiple upstream and downstream firms.
What is meant by Nash equilibrium?
Nash Equilibrium represents an action profile for all players in a game and is used to predict the outcome of their decision-making interaction. It models a steady state (i.e., a combination of strategies of all players) in which no player can benefit by unilaterally changing its strategy.