What do you max first on Amumu?

For fast, and sustained jungle clear Tantrum is the ideal ability to max first. Curse of the Sad Mummy Upon activation, all enemies near Amumu become rooted and are dealt magic damage.

What Lane is best for Amumu?

Deals 150 Magic Damage (150 + 80% AP) to enemies and stuns them for 1.5 seconds. Applies Cursed Touch. What role do i play Amumu? The most popular role to play Amumu is in the Jungle or Baron Lane, this is mostly due to the champion being a Tank with Magic Damage.

Is AP Amumu still good?

He’s a really good at ganking. He’ll win early game hard. If he has predator, he’ll win even harder. He’ll win late game if he builds right, but begins to fall off if he runs Predator.

Is Amumu good s12?

Amumu Build 12.10 ranks as an D-Tier pick for the Jungle role in Season 12. This champion currently has a Win Rate of 52.13% (Good), Pick Rate of 2.81% (High), and a Ban Rate of 0.32% (Low).

How do you combo with Amumu?

To engage on an entire team Q your first target and hit W mid air. As your reach your first target hit R and instantly F to hit as many people as possible. When at short range Q E instantly then W AA once you land. For a long range full engage Q then Flash mid animation.

Does Amumu scale?

It heals, it scales with your health and it gives you FREE MONEY! Triumph is an effective choice on Amumu as it gives you sustain throughout a teamfight.

Does Amumu start red or blue?

Amumu Jungle Path —full clear with a Red Buff start This Amumu Jungle Path is a full jungle clear that starts with Amumu killing the Red Buff at level one with Despair. It is a very popular alternative to the Blue Buff start, especially when you’d like to gank a specific lane and/or avoid the enemy jungler.

Can Amumu R flash?

Extend the range of your R by using it, then mid animation Flash and instantly W Q followed by E AA.

Is Amumu weak early?

We’ve already talked about invading Amumu in the early game to steal away his camps, but did you know that Amumu is incredibly weak in the early game? His high mana costs and “unhealthy” clear make him a weak early game Jungler. This can be exploited by many Junglers in the early game.

Why is Amumu weak?

To answer your question: his weaknesses are more heavily punished against really good players, namely his vulnerability to counterjungling, his reliance on clustered enemies, his predictable play pattern (Q in and ult), and his vulnerability to strong counterengage teams.