What do you get if you win PTA Reflections?

Annual Theme Search Contest Through our annual search process, one winning student’s theme will inspire the hundreds of thousands of student artists that participate in the Reflections program. The winning student will also receive a $100 award and national recognition. View the past 50+ years of winning themes.

What is the 2022 2023 Reflections theme?

Submitted by Jason Yevin, from Salk/Macarthur PTSA in New York, the 2022-2023 Reflections theme is Show Your Voice!

What is reflection project?

Each year, students are invited to submit themes for the annual Reflections Art Program that will inspire young artists to create original works. Submit your Theme search entries between September 1, 2022 and November 1, 2022.

What is the main role of PTA?

Furthermore, since the PTA is a representative of the parents in a school, and part of its role is to reach out to other parents to get involved in the school’s life, support school activities, and generally ensure that the welfare of their children is taken care of.

What is the importance of PTA?

PTA meeting is just one of the various activities conducted by the Parent-Teacher Association of schools. The main role of Parent-Teacher Associations is to build strong relationships between parents, teachers, and the whole school community.

What are the activities of PTA?

The role of the local PTA This can include recruiting and coordinating volunteers, providing special recognition in awards ceremonies or through other activities, organizing parent education events, planning teacher appreciation activities and much more.

How do I write a PTA meeting report?

How to Write a Parent-Teacher Meeting Report

  1. Restate Attendance & Goals. The body of a professional meeting summary should first include the time, date and people in attendance for the meeting.
  2. Summarize Events.
  3. Provide Action Steps.
  4. Communicate With Stakeholders.