What do you do after Elite 4 fire red?

After defeating the Pokemon League, you can return to the Sevii Islands and explore more islands, plus the Cerulean Cave! After getting the national pokedex from Prof. Oak (if you of course have recorded 60 species) Not only will new kinds of pokemon appear but one of the Legendary beasts will now roam Kanto.

What to do after beating the Elite 4?

What to do after beating the Elite Four in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

  1. Explore the Grand Underground.
  2. Catch the legendary Pokemon at Ramanas Park.
  3. Complete your Pokedex.
  4. Bake Poffins and partake in Pokemon contests.
  5. Rematch the Gym Leaders, Elite Four, and your rivals.

Can you go to Johto in fire red?

– Can you catch Johto or Hoenn Pokemon? Considering Ruby and Sapphire has all the Hoenn Pokemon, they’re not included in Fire Red and Leaf Green aside from Deoxys and two others (see below).

What level should Elite Four be in fire red?

Have a team of Pokémon leveled up to around level 60 (preferably higher). A good team is 1 each of Water, Fire, Electric, Ghost or Bug, and Ice types (each will be explained when they are useful in the individual Elite Four members’ details section). Aim for at least level 65 just to be safe.

Can you catch Mewtwo in fire red?

You can’t. You must defeat the Elite Four before catching him, as it certifies you are strong enough to enter Cerulean Cave.

What happens after you beat Cynthia?

Once players have beaten Cynthia, Professor Rowan will show up and register their Pokemon into the hall of fame. After the credits are over, players will then be returned to Twinleaf Town, where their rival has left a message for them telling them to get on a ship at Snowpoint City.

Where is Barry calling me BDSP?

After defeating the Elite Four, Barry will call you to meet with him at the Fight Zone. You can do this immediately, but you won’t be able to do anything there except the Battle Tower without the National Pokedex first. The Fight Zone is an area north of the Pokemon League accessible by taking a boat in Snowpoint City.

Can you get lugia in fire red?

There are not a whole lot of places to find Lugia once you’ve missed the event needed to catch it in Fire Red. However, you can get Lugia in Gold, Silver, and Pokémon XD, though a little work is required to transfer it to Fire Red.

Can you get Mew in fire red?

Trading for Mew is the only legitimate way to obtain a Mew in FireRed anymore. Mew is an Event Pokémon, and was only available during a single event in 2006. There is a glitch that people claim will work to find Mew, but this only works in the original Pokémon games. It does not work in Fire Red.