What do you call the chest that sits at the end of your bed?

One of the most practical (and therefore traditional) pieces to put at the end of a bed is a bench, sometimes called a “bedroom bench” if you’re searching for one online.

What is an amish hope chest?

Hope chests were once used for storing marriage necessities and essential home goods for young women. Oftentimes, girls (or their mothers) began to fill their hope chests at a young age with the goal of slowly accumulating a complete and meaningful collection by the time they were ready to get married.

Are old cedar chests worth anything?

Old Lane cedar chests sell from $100 to about $700 depending on the age, condition and whether the hardware is original. Most are worth about $200 to $400. Cedar chests made before 1987 have lids that automatically latch shut when closed, which poses a suffocation risk to children.

What size is a blanket chest?

Standard size is 36″ long x 22″ wide x 18″ tall, up to 48″ long x 24″ wide x 22″ tall.

Why put a bench at the end of the bed?

Why Add A Bench at the End of Your Bed? It’s stylish! Adding a bench is a way to add an extra detail to a room that shows your personality and ties the decor together! It adds dimension, texture, and marks the end of your bed.

Are Lane cedar chests still made?

The last Lane cedar chest to be manufactured in the United States rolled off the production line in the summer of 2001, and the plant closed for good.

Do people still make hope chests?

The hope chest of the past, also called a wedding or dower chest, is still a popular piece of furniture, although it is no longer used in the traditional way.

What are cedar chests for?

A hope chest, also called dowry chest, cedar chest, trousseau chest, or glory box is a piece of furniture traditionally used by unmarried young women to collect items, such as clothing and household linen, in anticipation of married life.

What kind of wood are Lane chests made from?

The inside of the chest is lined with cedar, which protects woolens from wool-eating moths, since cedar has a natural resistance to bugs. The company used a variety of exterior woods such as cherry, maple and walnut, and often included detailed carvings on the chest’s exterior.

Why is it called a glory box?

Remember the tradition of glory boxes? Some called it a “hope chest”, because it was a symbol of a young woman’s hopes and dreams of marriage and setting up her own home. All sorts of household items were saved in the glory box, the idea being that it would ease the initial expense of setting up a new household.