What do VIP mean in Spanish?

very important person
noun abbreviation. (= very important person) VIP mf ⧫ persona f de categoría.

What does ver mean in English?

Ver is defined as an abbreviation for version or verse. An example of ver is the fifth version of a piece of software; version 5.0. An example of ver. is someone saying the first part of a poem; ver.

What is the Verb to watch in Spanish?

verb ver
The verb ver means see, view and watch, all at the same time, so its application is much wider in Spanish than any of the English translations.

What is Banget?

T-O-P B-G-T or top banget means really cool or awesome.

Why does Juan feel sad in Spanish duolingo?

I also used “why is Juan sad today,” and you answered the question. I’d say that is the case in Spanish too. However, since Duolingo translation-based system, that would be the translation for a different Spanish sentence: ¿Por qué Juan está triste hoy? or ¿Juan por qué está triste hoy? Yes, it should be accepted.

What time is breakfast Spanish?

In Spain, breakfast occurs between the hours of 8 am to 11 am. It’s important to know that some here do not even eat breakfast, as lunch in Spain is typically the largest meal of the day and most locals want to have their appetite for the midday break.

What tense is Vio?

Ver in the Preterite

Person Conjugation Means
usted vio you (formal, singular) saw/watched
nosotros/nosotras vimos we (masculine/feminine) saw/watched
vosotros/vosotras visteis you (informal, plural) saw/watched
ellos/ellas vieron they (masculine/feminine) saw/watched

Does VIO have an accent?

Monosyllables are never accentuated: “fue”, “vio”, “dios”. Observe the difference between “vio”, which is monosyllable, and “rió”, which is acute bisyllable, then has an accent.

Does your mother buy you clothes Duolingo?

If you want to say Does your mother buy you [some] clothes?, then you would say ¿Tu madre te compra ropa? (no la there).

Can you actually learn Spanish on Duolingo?

Overall, Duolingo learners demonstrated on-level speaking skills at Unit 5. About half of Duolingo learners met or exceeded expectations for speaking skills: 66% of Spanish learners and 53% of French achieved A2 speaking proficiency or higher.

What are typical meal times in Spain?

Mealtimes in Spain: When Should You Eat?

  • When are the Mealtimes in Spain? The daily rhythm in Spain is quite unique and it relies on the mealtimes in Spain.
  • Desayuno: 7:00-9:00.
  • Almuerzo: 10:30-12:00.
  • Comida: 14:00-16:00.
  • Merienda: 17:30-19:00.
  • Cena: 20:30-22:30.