What do varicose veins look like during pregnancy?

Varicose veins often look like large, twisted, raised blue or purple veins on the legs–often on the backs of the calves or inside the legs. They may cause mild swelling in the ankles and feet or aching, heaviness, or throbbing in the legs. They can also cause leg cramps.

When should I be concerned about varicose veins in pregnancy?

If you notice that the veins feel hard, warm, or painful, or the skin over them looks red, call your doctor. Varicose veins often get better after delivery, when the uterus is no longer pushing on the inferior vena cava.

What does vulvar Varicosities look like?

You may see: Bulging veins that appear bluish or purplish underneath your skin. Veins that look twisted, swollen or bunched into a cluster. Veins that only appear on your vulva or that appear along with other veins on your upper thighs, butt, or calves.

What does a varicose vein infection look like?

A long, thin red area may be seen as the inflammation follows a superficial vein. This area may feel hard, warm, and tender. The skin around the vein may be itchy and swollen. The area may begin to throb or burn.

Can varicose veins burst during delivery?

The risk of vaginal delivery might be the fact that the vulvar varicose veins may cause extensive bleeding due to the possible rupture during labor and vaginal delivery.

Why are my legs purple and blotchy pregnancy?

Stretch marks usually are purple or red when they first appear because the blood vessels in the dermis are showing. They usually fade after delivery, but it may be difficult to eliminate them completely.

What happens if you pop a varicose vein?

If a varicose vein ruptures, but the skin is not broken, you will experience bruising. Internal bleeding from any source can cause dizziness or fainting if enough blood is lost. If you have any of these symptoms, visit your vein care specialist or nearest emergency room to avoid too much blood loss or complications.

Can varicose veins burst?

If left untreated, varicose veins can increase in size. As they get larger, the walls of veins get thinner and something as simple as a solid bump can rupture them. Depending on the size of the varicose vein, the rupture can create what seems like a great deal of blood loss.

Is ice good for varicose veins?

It reduces swelling in the legs. Ice is a natural anti-inflammatory. Use ice packs on your legs and feet or stick your feet in a bucket of ice water. The ice also reduces pain from varicose veins.

Can you give birth naturally with vulvar varicose veins?

Women with vulvar varicosities can be allowed to attempt a vaginal birth regardless of their severity.