What do the symbols on the South African coat of arms mean?

The protea is an emblem of the beauty of our land and the flowering of our potential as a nation in pursuit of the African Renaissance. The protea symbolises the holistic integration of forces that grow from the Earth and are nurtured from above.

What are the 10 national symbols of South Africa?

Where do I find information on the National Symbols?

  • South African flag.
  • National Anthem.
  • Coat of Arms.
  • National Tree – Real yellowwood.
  • National Bird – Blue crane.
  • National Fish – Galjoen.
  • National Flower – King protea.
  • National Animal – Springbuck.

Where would you find the South African coat of arms?

It has a dual function: the display of identity and of spiritual defence. The human figures – are derived from images on the Linton Stone, a world-famous example of South African rock art, now housed and displayed in the South African Museum in Cape Town.

What are national symbols of South Africa?

National symbols

  • National flower: King protea.
  • National tree: Real yellowwood.
  • National animal: Springbok.
  • National fish: Galjoen.
  • National bird: Blue crane.

How to identify coat of arms?

Identify the iconography on the coat of arms. This iconography is usually linked to the owner in literature or art. It might involve a form of wordplay, such as the similarity between a family’s name and a word in the language. Alternatively, it might allude to a great accomplishment in the nation’s history. But there are other clues, too.

What are the four sections of coat of arms?

Angel or Cherub – Dignity,glory,and honor; missionary; bearer of joyful news

  • Cross – Faith; service in the Crusades
  • Cross (Celtic) – Unity of heaven and earth
  • Cross-Crosslet (crossed at each end) – Signifies the fourfold mystery of the cross
  • Cross-Fitchée (cross pointed at base) – A combination of cross and sword; unshakeable faith
  • What is included on coat of arms?

    The coat of arms has been redrawn a number of times since its initial design, most recently in 1994 with the addition of the Order of Canada motto: Desiderantes Meliorem Patriam, which means “They desire a better country.”

    How do you make coat of arms?

    Perfect length for petites

  • Comes in an array of bright,cheery colors
  • Lightweight and water repellent