What do the initials ICO stand for?

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is the independent regulatory office in charge of upholding information rights in the interest of the public.

What does SS mean in abbreviation?

Acronym Definition
SS Social Security
SS Sunset
SS Stainless Steel
SS Secret Service

What does ICO mean military?

ICO – In case of, in care of.

What is the abbreviation US Navy?

USN – United States Navy.

What is ICO in hospital?

What does ICO mean? Index of Central Obesity (ICO) is a measurement of abdominal obesity. ICO is the ratio of waist circumference and height both measured in same unit.

What is ICO in insurance?

ICO stands for Insurance Companies Ordinance.

What does CVN mean in the Navy?

nuclear aircraft carriers
CVN (Carrier, Volplane, Nuclear), a United States Navy hull classification symbol for nuclear aircraft carriers.

What do you call a Navy veteran?

Members of the U.S. Army and National Guard are soldiers. Members of the Air Force are airmen. Members of the Navy are sailors.

What are the Navy ranks in order?

Navy Ranks – Enlisted Sailors

  • Seaman (E-3)
  • Petty Officer 3rd Class (E-4)
  • Petty Officer 2nd Class (E-5)
  • Petty Officer 1st Class (E-6)
  • Chief Petty Officer (E-7)
  • Senior Chief Petty Officer (E-8)
  • Master Chief Petty Officer (MCPO/E-9)
  • Command Master Chief Petty Officer (CMC/E-9)

Who does the ICO report to?

the Parliament of the United Kingdom
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is a non-departmental public body which reports directly to the Parliament of the United Kingdom and is sponsored by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS).