What do the buttons on the elevator mean?

In elevators, this vertical line does not mean stop or skip–it simply refers to the front doors of the elevator–the buttons without the line are supposed to open or close the rear or side doors.

What is LG in elevator?

“Lower Ground Floor” (LG)

How do you use a lift button?

The two buttons available to call an elevator have an up arrow and a down arrow. These are meant to indicate whether you want to go up or down, not whether the elevator must come up or down. For example, if you’re on Floor 3 and you want to go to Floor 7, you need to press the Up arrow button.

What does Pb mean on an elevator?

If the building has an elevator, pressing the p.b. (planta baja) button will take you to street level. Push “1” in the same elevator and you’ll end up on what’s referred to as the “second floor” in New York or Miami.

Why are there 2 Close buttons on an elevator?

Some modern Kone, Mitsubishi elevators and the elevators installed in America with two landing doors (front and rear) have two door control buttons on the control panel. These four buttons, two of them are used to operate the front doors while another two are used to operate the rear doors.

Why there are 2 buttons outside lift?

If you want to go up, you press the upper arrow and vice versa. That way if the lift was going down and you pressed the up arrow key, the lift will bypass and it will stop on it’s next trip to the upper floors. At the same time, it will stop at your floor if someone else wants to get down at your floor.

Is ground floor 0 or 1?

Consecutive number floor designations

Height relative to ground (storeys) European scheme
Ground storey 0th floor (0/0F)
Partially below ground storey Lower ground (LG), Lower level (LL), Concourse (C), Parking (P), etc.
1 level below ground storey 1st basement (−1/−1F/B1)
2 levels below ground storey 2nd basement (−2/−2F/B2)

What does FM mean on an elevator?

Facilities managers can increase communication on a regular basis with their staff and other building occupants through meetings addressing elevator safety do’s and don’ts.

How Do You press elevator buttons?

If you are waiting for the elevator, there is sure to be an up and down button, depending on what floor you are on. If you are going up, push the top one, and when going down, push the bottom one. When inside the elevator, press the button for the floor you want to go to.

Why do lifts have 2 buttons?

Two Call Buttons are used outside the Elevator to determine which Direction you’ll be going and to avoid the elevator reach maximum capacity by putting request calls on HOLD by preventing to halt on floors where the person wants to travel an opposite direction.

What is NS button in lift?

On some older Otis and Schindler elevators from the 1960s to 1980s (or the buttons are using generic fixtures), the button is usually marked as “NS” and it is normally located below the floor buttons. Up: Switch the elevator to up direction. Down: Switch the elevator to down direction.

What does EZ mean on an elevator?

Think of the Express Zone (EZ) as a train that is going through many stations (in this case, floors in a building) and is not answering/making any local stops. The Express Zone is usually a large block of floors in which the elevator is running in express mode which gets you to your destination faster. Hope this helps.