What do the alchemy symbols represent?
What do the alchemy symbols represent?
Alchemy symbols sometimes contain hints of the qualities the element was thought to have, as well as the history of the element. Using symbols helped alchemists keep their work, much of which was carefully guarded, secret from non-alchemists who wouldn’t recognize the symbols.
What is the four alchemy symbols?
Generally, most alchemy symbols are divided into four categories: The Four Classical Elements – Earth, wind, water, and fire, the elements that alchemists believed made up everything on Earth.
What does the triangle symbol mean in alchemy?
The alchemy symbol for fire looks like a flame or campfire—it’s a simple triangle. It’s associated with the colors red and orange and was considered to be male or masculine. According to Plato, the fire alchemy symbol also stands for hot and dry. Continue Reading Below.
What are the three principles of alchemy?
Tria Prima, the Three Alchemy Primes Sulfur – The fluid connecting the High and the Low. Sulfur was used to denote the expansive force, evaporation, and dissolution. Mercury — The omnipresent spirit of life. Mercury was believed to transcend the liquid and solid states.
What are transmutation circles?
A transmutation circle is a sigil or sign for a specific magical purpose. The sigil combines a complex combination of symbols and text to reach a goal or purpose as predetermined by an alchemist.
What does salt mean in alchemy?
Description of Salt Salt is one of the three prime materials of alchemy, being necessary and essential for life. It represents condensation, crystallization. It is associated with the essence of all things in nature.
What is Tria Prima?
The Tria prima were the three elements of the alchemists, their salt, sulphur, and mercury: the first of which appears to have denoted whatever remained fixed in the fire; the second, whatever was inflammable; and the third, whatever was neither fixed nor inflammable, but rose in vapour without being burned.
What is God’s metal?
Raysium is the God Metal of Odium. Raysium can naturally conduct Investiture, drawing it in from any source.
What are alchemy circles?
In the field of Alchemy, Alchemical Circles are an aid to magic that alchemists have discovered. It uses the memetic properties of magic in general in order to make it easier to perform certain feats of magic, make them more powerful, or even possible at all.