What do the abbreviations mean in volleyball stats?

– Ace = Serve Aces By Team (Simple count; # of Aces) – Err = Serve Errors By Team (Simple count; # of Errors) – Att = Serves By Team (Simple count; # of Serves) – Serve % = Serve Percentage By Team (Serves – Serve Errors By Team / Serves By Team)

What does AC mean in volleyball?

Ace: A serve which lands in the opponent’s court without being touched, or is touched but unable to be kept in play by one or more receiving team players.

What is traditional scoring in volleyball?

Rules for Traditional Scoring: A game consists of one team scoring a total of 15 points (winning team must have at least a two point advantage). A match consists of the first team to win two out of three games. While serving the ball, the server can not contact the net with the ball.

What does PF mean in volleyball?

In your league standings, you’ll notice that there are columns for Points For (PF) and Points Against (PA).

What does K S mean in volleyball stats?

OFFICIAL 2008 VOLLEYBALL STATISTICS RULES. Article 1. Kills Per Set. K/S = Total Kills.

What does AA mean in volleyball?

– AA. Recreational – A “Recreational” player: Is a Beginner. Knows the basics of volleyball, but is just beginning to bump, set, and spike. Sometimes getting it over the net is an accomplishment.

What is DS volleyball?

DS: Defensive specialist. Compared to international volleyball, America has more substitutions and you can sub a player more than once. That’s why you often see some hitters only playing three rotations instead of all six, because they can sub in a DS to play backrow! MB: Middleblocker. OH: Outside Hitter.

What are the two types of scoring in volleyball?

A point is scored when a team wins a rally. You can also win a point if the other team hit the ball out of the designated court boundary. If a player on the other team makes a fault, it’s also possible for your team to win a point.

What is a 5 set in volleyball?

Five-set matches are four sets to 25 points and a fifth set to 15 points. The team must win by two points unless tournament rules dictate otherwise. The first team to win three sets is the winner.

What is a box score in volleyball?

Box Score – In volleyball, the box score is a format that is used to summarize all the main statistical information that happened in a game. It’s more than just the points for each team in each set.

What are the abbreviations used on vidswap’s volleyball stat sheets?

Below is a list of the abbreviations used on VidSwap’s system Volleyball Stat Sheets, and the formula used to calculate each stat: “ATHLETE” STAT SHEET: “ATTACK”: – K = Kills By Athlete (Simple count; # of Kills) – K% = Kill Percentage By Athlete (Kills By Athlete / Attacks By Athlete )

What does BS mean in volleyball?

BS – Solo Block – A block by a single player. It’s listed this way in the statistics because the idea is BS = Blocks (Solo). Bump – This is the underhand pass that is one of the most basic skills in volleyball. The player keeps their hands joined together and forms a platform with their arms that they use to “bump” the ball back up into the air.

What is the volleyball Performance Index?

4) Volleyball Performance Index: A composite score of electronically-validated tests measuring standing vertical jump, arm swing velocity, height of attack, two-handed block touch, pro-agility and acceleration. An example score is 541.1. For more info, click here.