What do smallmouth bass eat on Susquehanna River?

Crawfish, crayfish, crawdads, crabs, mudbugs, freshwater lobsters, or whatever you want to call them make up 80% of the diet of a smallmouth bass in the Susquehanna River. Without crawfish, there would be no smallies. A good population of crawfish is a good indication that the water is pretty clean.

Can you keep smallmouth bass in the Susquehanna River?

Smallmouth Bass in the Susquehanna River Good live baits include minnows, or hellgrammites. Artificial baits like rubber worms or plastic crayfish imitations also work well on smallmouth bass. Fly rods and poppers are very popular with some anglers targeting smallmouth bass on the Susquehanna River.

What is the best time to catch smallmouth bass?

Smallmouth fishing is generally better in the early spring than largemouth fishing might be, since smallmouths tend to be more active in cold water. Begin looking for them when the water temperature is in the mid-40s. Fish the first deep water associated with a large gravel or mud flat.

Are there sharks in the Susquehanna River?

A shark has been caught in the Susquehanna River near here. Noted outdoorsman Ken Hunter caught a nine-foot Bull Shark in the West Branch of the Susquehanna between Muncy and Montoursville on Monday.

Is it safe to eat fish from the Susquehanna River?

Is it safe to eat fish that you catch out of the Susquehanna River? Yes.

What time of day are smallmouth most active?

During the day, smallmouth bass are most active first thing in the morning from dawn until mid-morning and in the late afternoon from 3 hours prior to sunrise until dusk. These reduced light periods afford bass a tactical advantage over prey like shad and crayfish which don’t see as well during these time windows.

Where do smallmouth bass hang out?

Smallmouth bass live in many habitats ranging from cool waters of rivers and streams to deep reservoirs and crystal-clear natural lakes. You can find smallmouth bass in waterways either above or below the Mason-Dixon Line.

What is the deepest part of the Susquehanna River?

However, the deepest point on the river is located at the Susquehanna River At Marietta reporting a gauge stage of 35.19 ft. This river is monitored from 16 different streamgauging stations along the Susquehanna River, the highest being perched at an elevation of 979 ft, the Susquehanna River At Unadilla Ny .

Where do smallmouth spawn in rivers?

Ethan Hollifield: Smallmouth tend to spawn in the tail outs of pools or behind cover along the banks; they prefer areas where the bottom is free of silt and relatively sandy.