What do scavenger receptors bind to?

Scavenger receptors (SRs) are a ‘superfamily’ of membrane-bound receptors that were initially thought to bind and internalize modified low-density lipoprotein (LDL), though it is currently known to bind to a variety of ligands including endogenous proteins and pathogens.

What is the function of scavenger cell?

Functionally, scavenger receptors have an important role in both homeostatic and disease states, as they detect and remove, or scavenge, unsolicited self-antigens, which predominantly manifest as damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), such as phosphatidylserine on apoptotic cells (5–7) and products of oxidative …

What are scavenger receptors on macrophages?

Macrophage scavenger receptors (SRs), first described by Brown and Goldstein, were found to bind and internalize modified forms of LDL through mechanisms not inhibited by cellular cholesterol content,2 identifying these receptors as likely culprits in macrophage cholesterol accumulation.

Are scavenger receptors PRRs?

Scavenger receptors are a broad group of PRRs with at least 8 identified classes, possess little by way of sequence homology, but which recognize similar polyanionic ligands (42).

What are scavenger receptors?

Scavenger receptors are mainly found on myeloid cells and other cells that bind to numerous ligands, primarily endogenous and modified host-molecules together with pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), and remove them. The Kupffer cells in the liver are particularly rich in scavenger receptors, includes SR-A I, SR-A II, and MARCO.

What is the role of SCARB3 (sr-b2)?

SCARB3 or CD36 (SR-B2): has been thought to be implicated in cell adhesion, development of blood vessels, in the phagocytosis of apoptotic cells, and in the metabolism of long-chain fatty acids.

What is the molecular weight of a Class A receptor?

Class A receptors are a type II membrane protein who use their collagen -like domain for ligand binding. Members include:Scavenger receptors type 1 (SR-A1), which is a trimer with a molecular weight of about 220-250 kDa (the molecular weight of monomeric protein is about 80 kDa).

What is an SR-A1 receptor?

Members include:Scavenger receptors type 1 (SR-A1), which is a trimer with a molecular weight of about 220-250 kDa (the molecular weight of monomeric protein is about 80 kDa). It preferentially binds modified LDL, either acylated (acLDL) or oxidized (oxLDL).